I recently installed the MQTT extension from the marketplace in the academic instance, but I am unable to use it.
The setup instructions in this thread MQTT support in ThingWorx are great, but my extension is not able to connect to the test.mosquitto.org server. (and not to my own mosquitto server as well)
In the application log the following error appears: Unable to connect to MQTT in [MQTTThing] : MqttException
What does "MqttException" mean?
Is it possible that the port 1883 is blocked in the instance? I tried with different other ports (80, 8080, 25), but none of them worked - is there a port that could be working? (i can adjust it on my mosquitto server)
Thank you very much,
Hi Markus,
We are currently working on this subject. We will get back to you as soon as we have an solution.
Thank you,
Also got the same issue, MQTT connect and publish are ok, but once add a subscibe-property mapping, I got "Lost MQTT Connection For [TestMqttConn] : Cause Was MqttException"
Is the problem fixed?
Hi Max,
The extension is currently being modified by the R&D ThingWorx team to have it working on the Linux servers on which the Academic Instances are hosted. We don't have an estimate when it will be available unfortunately, but we will make an update to this post when it will be done.
Please check this support cases on more information on this issue
Thank you,
Hi Veronica,
Thanks for your response.
I afraid I can't wait... Is there any workaround? Thanks.
Hi Max,
Yes, there is a way to speed this up. I would need to contact our cloud services team for this and see if they are willing to help with making the MQTT extension work directly on your instance. What is the URL of your Academic ThingWorx instance ?
I cannot guarantee that this will be done, but we can try .
Thank you,
Hi Veronica,
I met the similar situation as the original post.
However, I am not using Academic ThingWorx instance.
It's on my on-premise PoC environment.
Hi Max,
Sorry for the late reply. I was on a business trip last week.
If you have access to the tomcat server on which ThingWorx is installed you can make the MQTT extension work on versions lower to TWX 6.0 by adding JAVA_OPTS="-Duser.dir=/tmp" directive to <tomcat_home>/catalina.sh file.
Or you can upgrade your instance to ThingWorx 6.0 or 6.6, as I understand these instances work fine with MQTT.
Unfortunately I am not very familiar with this extension and cannot help too much. I nevertheless hope you find this information useful.
Thank you,
It seems that there is the same problem on higher versions of TWX as well. Please see this ticket for more information on the solution.
Thank you,
Hi, I'm experiencing the same problems with connecting to the server using MQTT.
Here's my academic URL: https://nanyangpolytech5511.cloud.thingworx.com/Thingworx/Composer/
Hi Timothy,
Our Academic Team is aware of the situation your academic instance is in and we are doing are best to have it up and running as soon as possible.
We will come back to you with an answer as soon as this will be available.
I apologize for any inconveniences that this might cause you or your team.
Thank you,
Hi Veronica,
Thank you so much! The MQTTThing was able to connect to the server.
I am glad to hear that Timothy. Thank you for letting me know. It was my pleasure to help.
I Veronica,
I am also experincing the same error and was unable to connect to test.mosquitto.org.
During this week I have a lab with students during which they are supposed to use this MQTT connection. As this lab finish at the end of this week, the situation is quite urgent.
Our URL instance is http://esiee.cloud.thingworx.com/Thingworx/Composer and the version is 5.2
The MQTT extension has been installed two weesk ago by C.Otel
We, my students and myself, would be glad if this could be fix as for Timothy Ting
Hi Oliver,
Thank you for your message. Our academic team has already been notified about your University need to have the MQTT extension working as soon as possible.
I will send another reminder in hope we can speed this up.
I apologize for any inconveniences that this delay might cause you and your university.
Thank you,
Could you please let me know, when this is fixed.
thanks in advance
Hi Olivier,
I will let you know as soon as is available.
Thank you,