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I activated my Mathcad Prime Student license whiile I had the network setting "Dynamic Host Address" activated in Windows 11, so my license is not bound to my real HostID of the NIC and I can not use Mathcad Prime because the HostID changes with the time. I turned the setting off, but I need to change the HostID that is bound to my Mathcad Prime Student License. The Website*alx203*_gcl_au*MTQ3NzAwODM1OC4xNzMwODAxMjkw*_ga*MTcxNjEwMzM0Mi4xNzMwODAxMjkw*_ga_7NMP2MSYPM*MTczMDgwMTI4OS4xLjEuMTczMDgwNDcwNC4xMi4wLjA. does not work and my PTC Account is basic. Is it possible to get a new license?
you can request license file via email. Please read discussion.