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PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 now available


PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 now available

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 is now availble for download - either as a CD Image or as a web installer. Active Global Support customers can download the CD image from this location:

You can follow the attached instructions to update your license file.

If you don't have a current license and want to try out PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 free for 30 days and then with a reduced functionality set for as long as you like, you can download Express by clicking this link:

PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 includes new features sych as Templates, Math Formatting, Math in Text, the Global Definiiton operator, Custom Function support and many more upgrades. We're always inetrested in feedback so please do upgrade your existing installation or try the product for free and let us know what you think!

Andy McGough

Product Manager - Mathcad.

122 REPLIES 122

Of course nothing is so linear... and I also have seen the world. So that comparison has been made and is continously corrected and appreciated, believe me. Life as it is, no matter how or where, should be appreciated.

By the way, USSR cartoons were very very good ones... the bad thing was that we were exposed ONLY to USSR (and, of course, cuban) cartoons and that was the subject of never-ending-jokes and punch lines.Some of us were even forced to study russian (me, for example) instead of english as a second language. But I forgot almost everything...

However, the good ones always survive: Chejov, Pushkin, Dovstoievski, Tarkovski, Nikita Mijalkov, Perelman books, Matveev courses, Landau-Lifshitz books... Oh, those MIR editons, I have them here with me, I travelled with all those physics and mathematics books... As you can see, professor, those are evidences of a good appreciation of a non-linear reality.

Can you speak spanish?? I mean, to communicate to a wide audience in spanish??

Amaury Suárez-Gómez wrote:

Can you speak spanish??

More correct:

¿Can you speak spanish?

Sorry, no.


During the Stalinist terror one investigator asked one professor who was arrested, what foreign languages ​​he knows. The professor said that he knowes Latin.

Sentence - a Latin spy. or

Amaury Suárez-Gómez wrote:

However, the good ones always survive: Chejov, Pushkin, Dovstoievski

Anton Chekhov and Fedor Dostoevsky with Mathcad -

You can read with Google translator!

And of course Булгаков and Горького


Raiko Milanovic wrote:

And of course Булгаков and Горький


I like Толстой (Лев, Алексей Николаевич и Алексей Константинович), Гоголь, Тургенев etc

But here I solve one task from Jules Verne too


Amaury Suárez-Gómez wrote:

Long live M15, the last of the mohicans. The rest is pure trash disguised with a (useless and ugly) ribbon.




I don't see in the features summary whether 2D plots can now have two separate Y axes, like M15. Hello? Vector magnitude and phase on the same plot is really important, and they require different axes! I have to resort to M15 whenever I need that, and that is getting really old.

Gerrit Barrere wrote:

I don't see in the features summary whether 2D plots can now have two separate Y axes, like M15.

Sorry, but M15 has not two separate X axes.

I need it for Kelvin and Celsius temperature scale for example

And second.

M15 has not two separate scale of one Y axe.

Here's an example plot of two Y axes from M15:


I need this kind of plot frequently. Even Excel does this, and it's hard to believe that P3 still doesn't.

Gerrit Barrere wrote:

Here's an example plot of two Y axes from M15:

You can insert Excel in Prime and have your plot.

But sorry You must remember that there is not in Excel a plot with 3-d, 4-th etc Y axe

I wondered if you could insert an Excel plot. I saw that you could insert Excel data. That's really klugey though, exchanging data and plots back and forth, especially if you need several plots like this in a document.

You're right about the sophisticated graphing of Prime, but that makes it even more puzzling that they don't even have fully functional 2-D graphing. You'd think they'd finish 2D before they started on 3D.

Gerrit Barrere wrote:

...fully functional 2-D graphing.

What is it? Is there one standard?

Of course not, but at least as functional as their previous product M15.

Gerrit Barrere wrote:

Of course not, but at least as functional as their previous product M15.

M15 has not pie-, redar- and others diagramms...

M15 has not two separate scale of one Y axe.

Thats exactly what the second ordinate is for 😉

It is as if PTC does not have a clue what this software is actually used for. It is not supposed to be some stupid iphone app used for simply "liking" math. It is supposed to be a serious tool for writing proper scientific and engineering worksheets. That is what v15 was at least attempting to do. Prime does have some promising improvements that I appreciate. But PTC really needs to stop releasing Prime until the product is actually COMPLETE from a v15 functionality perspective! It is now after nearly 3 years still alpha test software at best!!!

In the mean time, advance and release v16 with real improvements or stop charging us for yearly support on v15! I, for one, cannot afford to just keep paying for NOTHING!


Rick Mason wrote:

It is as if PTC does not have a clue what this software is actually used for...

Right you are.

I recall reading in some post that PTC initially was determined, despite objections by a technical advisory board, to develop a "MathCad light". As euphoria didn't settle in (probably due to stubornly unteachable customers) with Prime 1.0, PTC realized that MP doesn't deliver what customers want and started to shell out more alpha versions of MP for fear of loosing clients. What we see now is the result of using advertisement instead of engineering.


25-Diamond I

What we see now is the result of using advertisement instead of engineering.

I like this wording and, unfortunately, it is so true!


I have Mathcad Prime V2 adquired this year, is possible update to mathcad Prime V3



luis hugo sanchez pantoja wrote:


I have Mathcad Prime V2 adquired this year, is possible update to mathcad Prime V3



As you are under maintainance, I guess you should be able to follow the instructions here

to update your license file.

Ah yes, but too bad for me following the link contained in those instructions results in a "document not found" error message. Mathcad licensing has not worked properly for me since PTC got their mitts on the product. Sorry guys, but you get an "F minus" from me regarding customer support that is as obtuse as the federal tax code. Nice work, PTC!

Scott Milligan

Bad, even their pdf's are broken 😉

The link obviously was meant to be , as you sure already found out yourself.

As you used Mathcad already in pre-PTC times, I wonder why you would voluntarily switch from MC15 to Prime.

25-Diamond I

Andrew W McGough, the links in the pdf you posted are broken - please fix that.

Could you specify what links?

25-Diamond I

Does it support "lockable" areas or any other method to protect the worksheet?

Vegard Woldsengen wrote:

Does it support "lockable" areas or any other method to protect the worksheet?


Online Mathcad Prime 3.0 help center available here:

Владимир, как я понимаю, вы работаете в РТС. Мы встречались с вами в Бостоне?

Так вот передайте им в РТС, что они задолбали всех своим акаунтом. Я не могу с ним разобраться.


I have upgraded to Prime3 and found it to be usless. There no 2D plotting. 2D plotting is used for:

1. Pesentation of data

2. Checking data

3. Looking for tends

4. And More

I have been paying my maintenance for three years now and have not recieved a product that can be used. What we are requesting is basic to engineering. I am going to continue to use MacthCAD15 until I can find another program.


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