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Sweeping an elliptical trajectory


Sweeping an elliptical trajectory


On WF4. Yes - WF4.

First time on this forum since the switch over.

I would like to sweep a solid along and ellipse so it looks like a spoon shape (no handle). How can this be done? I've use var traj sweep. Will sweep but results undesirable.



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22-Sapphire II

Without seeing what you're trying to do, try a regular solid sweep with "Add Inner Faces".  If not, you'll probably need to do a Boundary Blend.


See reply to Antonious. Thanks!




Need a little more info.  You say "sweep a solid", do you mean sweep a cross-section into a solid because Creo/Pro doesn't have a drag solid capability except for creating tessellated envelopes, which won't create smooth geometry.

As for a spoon shape, Var traj sweeps can do a lot, but the best way is to revolve an ellipse into a paraboloid (egg shape) and then cut away a portion.

If this isn't what you want, post a sketch of what you're looking for and I'm sure someone will give it a try.




See my reply to Antonious. Thanks!


21-Topaz II

WAYNE FALCO, I don't see Antonius in this thread.

An option using a boundary blend would be as follows (I don't have WF4 installed anymore, or I'd post a model for you):

  1. Sketch an ellipse
  2. Create a datum plane offset from the ellipse sketch the height that you'd like the "spoon" shape to be.
  3. Create a datum point on that plane at the center of the ellipse.
  4. Create a boundary blend using the sketched ellipse and the point as the two curves.
  5. Create a tangency condition at the datum point to the offset plane.

This should create a nice domed surface which you can use to build your solid.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer

My Bad. I have 2 posts. I did not think the first one took. Sorry - new to this format.


Noty sure if this link will take you to other post.


Solved: Re: sweep elliptical sketch - PTC Community


Your solution is basically the idea. Thanks!

21-Topaz II

Yep, that's it.  I did see it after posting my response here.

The video he posted is pretty good, aside from the background music.

Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer

Cool. Ha ha. Well - the music was different.

Although Screencast-o-matic said the microphone was off but it recorded anyway.  So I overwrote it with a stock you-tube offering of the right length.

Great job!

22-Sapphire II

'Morning Antonius!  Hey, is that Screen-capture program free?  Thx!

Free with a little spam icon in the lower left.  I downloaded it so access is a little easier...

Screencast-O-Matic - Free online screen recorder for instant screen capture video sharing.

22-Sapphire II

Awesome, thanks bro! 

22-Sapphire II

So Wayne, what is the final shape?  You should post a pic.


Actually - what Antonius did online is my start part. He just tweaked it. That is same result that I have.



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