We had 8 eval licenses of Creo Elements Direct that I installed last May. We have since purchased some copies of the software.
I just received the new password file, but I don't understand how to replace the expired eval password file with the new one.
Anyone have any experience with this?
I don't really want to uninstall this licenses server and re-install it just to change out the passwords.
Flexnet is a lot easier, I hope PTC doesn't decide to move everything to the CoCreate license model. One of the irritations I ran into when installing the eval license is I couldn't use the same machine I use for our ProE licenses because it's a virtual machine. CoCreate will not license to a virtual machine.
David Haigh
Phone: 925-424-3931
Fax: 925-423-7496
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
7000 East Ave, L-362
Livermore, CA 94550