Okay, I am starting to feel like an idiot here...
How do you run Creo Elements/Pro Distributed Batch in Standalone mode?
I have it installed, but am evidently in Distributed mode, it keeps asking for a DSM. I do not want a DSM, I want standalone. I cannot for the life of me see how to change it.
Windows 7
Dell Laptop
Creo Elements / Pro (Wildfire 5.0 m160)
Are you under Edit > Preferences, or the DSM entry for a particular Task Group?
Make sure there are no Task Groups running, otherwise you will not be able to change the DSM value.
Exit Distributed Batch, and kill any nmsd.exe processes - then try ptcdbatch again and Edit > Preferences...
Check %APPDATA%\PTC\ProENGINEER\Distributed BATCH\.dbc_prefs.txt
Check to see if you have afirewall blocking communication or a port conflict. I think Distributed Batch tries to use port 8001 by default, and then should fail over to 8002+
Depending on what you are tyring to accomplish, you may also want to consider using a later release for batch processing.
For Creo 2.0, use M040+. https://www.ptc.com/appserver/cs/view/solution.jsp?n=CS77409