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Family Table Grays Out after Saving in Simulation?


Family Table Grays Out after Saving in Simulation?

I was working on a Generic, entered Simulation, created some forces/constraints and ran a simulation.  I saved the file.  I thought I was out of simulation and found the Family Table grayed out.  I erased the generic from memory and called it up again.  The same issue of the Family Table is grayed out exists?

Fam Tab grayed.JPG

When I call up the Generic I am given the option to open an instance.

Open Gen.JPG

Does anyone know why this strange behavior is occurring?  Is there a solution other than opening each instance separately?

I am happy to see the forces/constraints carry over to the instance:


Once I opened the instance, the family table was available in the Generic.  Apparently the instances needed regenerated?

Table Open.JPG

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