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Installing Creo 2 on a computer running Wildfire 5


Installing Creo 2 on a computer running Wildfire 5

I have an updated license file that lists both creo 2 and wilfire 5 but for some reason when I launch creo 2 is says license file not valid. Wildfire 5 works fine with the new license file. How do I make sure the creo points to the correct license file? This is a node locked license for a single laptop so maybe there is an easier way to install them both. Any input would be helpful. We are not on maintenance so trying to figure this out without ptc. Thank you in advance


Are you certain your license file is up to date for the build code of Creo you are using?  Your one license should have access up to m070 of Creo 2, the other one however appears limited to wildfire.

We were sent an m160 cd but really our license should be for whichever the latest version was while we still had current maintenance, correct?

Yes, you should get a copy of M070


Question no.1: Does your license file contain SERVER and DAEMON lines ?

Example related to my notebook:

SERVER hpmh PTC_HOSTID=1C-C1-DE-BA-30-44 7788

DAEMON ptc_d D:\PTC\flexnet\x86e_win64\obj\ptc_d.exe D:\PTC\flexnet\licensing\ptc.opt port=7789

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

Yes, it does


DAEMON ptc_d "C:\Program Files\PTC\FLEXnet Admin License Server\i486_nt\obj\ptc_d.exe" "C:\Program Files\PTC\FLEXnet Admin License Server\licensing\ptc.opt"


Question no.2: What number is present in INCREMENT lines in your license file ? To be able to run CR2, the number must be greater or equal to 33.0.

Example related to my notebook:

INCREMENT PROE_FoundationAdv ptc_d 33.0 permanent 1 \

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

INCREMENT 127 ptc_d 31.0 permanent 1

So how to I get this changed?

INCREMENT PROE_FoundationAdv ptc_d 33.0 permanent 1 \

this line is also in there though


Question no.3: Can you check the contents of CREO2_LOADPOINT\Creo 2.0\Parametric\bin\parametric.psf file ?

This file must contain two lines:



Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák




so looks like the 127 is missing


missing 127 is not problem. You must be able to launch Creo 2.0.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák


it is strange that your license file contains INCREMENT 127 ptc_d 31.0 permanent 1 line. If you own 1 Creo license, then license file must contain two INCREMENT blocks:

INCREMENT PROE_FoundationAdv ptc_d 33.0 permanent 1


INCREMENT 127 ptc_d 33.0 permanent 1

Please contact PTC support to resolve the mismatch between INCREMENT PROE_FoundationAdv and INCREMENT 127.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

Not on maintenance so I may just see if I can generate a new license file from the website tools.


contact your PTC reseller and ask him to request current license file for your PC.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

Reseller said they would only do it if I started up maintenance with them again. I also asked them for a CD and they said the same thing but PTC sent me a CD no problem. Basically reseller isn't much help even though we bought two licenses from them.


try page to get current license file. It looks like it is not blocked for customers without maintenance.

Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák

#################### Extension ###########################

# Serviceable = Mechanism Design

# Feature Name = 127

# Feature Version = 31.0

# Number of Copies = 1

# Expiration Date = permanent

# Module = Mechanism Design License

INCREMENT 127 ptc_d 31.0 permanent 1 408080B00769E249FDA3 \




  SIGN2="18AF 8E37 DE01 AE9B 7466 E6FA 7B1A D644 B9DF \

  04AA A525 8D8B EB3E 7626 F647 1BB0 8FA2 D26A FB6A \

  C62E CE3C 052F 2D0D A036 9CF6 337E B22D EAB6 B15C \


#################### Extension ###########################

# Serviceable = Mechanism Design

# Feature Name = 127

# Feature Version = 33.0

# Number of Copies = 1

# Expiration Date = permanent

# Module = Mechanism Design License

INCREMENT 127 ptc_d 33.0 permanent 1 A04030107193C2A7CBE9 \




  SIGN2="1F1D FB70 6DB8 6A65 1FA5 51E4 319F A09B A3C1 \

  2109 9E51 7B3F 4831 C4A3 44F1 1682 0EDC B63A F1D0 \

  A921 4871 5534 E1A0 7667 C26E CA9C 447B A20C 62E2 \

new license has both in it as well. Is one section for wildfire and one for creo?

23-Emerald IV

It looks like you have one license of each - one WF5 and One Creo 2.  Also note that this is just the extension, not the base software itself.


#127                     1    Mechanism Design License                   Wildfire 5.0 & Creo Ext      perm         0A1577501

#127                     1    Mechanism Design License                  Creo 2.0 Ext      perm         0A1577501

#PROE_FoundationAdv      1    Creo Parametric (formerly Foundation XE)   Wildfire 5.0 & Creo Flt Lic  perm         0A1577501

#PROE_FoundationAdv      1    Creo Parametric (formerly Foundation XE)  Creo 2.0 Flt Lic  perm         0A1577501

yes i have cr2 and wf5 on the same laptop

23-Emerald IV

And when you drag this license file onto the license dialog during setup it complains?   Maybe try making a copy of the license file and delete the WF5 sections...


when I drag/drop the file during install, it installs fine. errors come only when I launch cr2. wf5 launches fine. trying not to mess with wf5 since it is actually working right now and if that gets messed up i have no cad.

23-Emerald IV

I don't believe you need to be on maintenance to receive support for licensing issues.  Maybe try calling license support.


in current state, if you want to run CR2:

  1. start WF5 and let it running - I hope it consumes 31.0 licenses
  2. start CR2 - I hope it consumes 33.0 license

Change the order of INCREMENT blocks to get:

INCREMENT PROE_FoundationAdv ptc_d 33.0 permanent 1\


INCREMENT 127 ptc_d 33.0 permanent 1\


INCREMENT PROE_FoundationAdv ptc_d 31.0 permanent 1\


INCREMENT 127 ptc_d 31.0 permanent 1\


Then restart PC and try to start CR2 immediatelly.

Because you own 2 identical licenses and one of them is WF5 and second one is CR2, you will always have problems to distinguish between them. Therefore I suggest you to move one license to second computer. After this move WF5 license will be managed by PC1 and CR2 will be managed by PC2.

  • PSF file in WF5 installation will refer to 7788@PC1
  • PSF file in CR2 installation will refer to 7788@PC2

Martin Hanak


Martin Hanák
23-Emerald IV

If these are node locked licenses, then Creo doesn't need a licenses server installed (no 7788@PC), it just needs text files with the license information.  There won't be any issue with copying the license file, removing the WF5 stuff, and then using this new text file for Creo 2.


That is what I thought, problem is when trying to install as node locked I don't see an option for just selecting a license file and not using a server. Drag and drop is the only option for the creo install and that creates a server apparently.

I'll give this a shot and see if it helps


running wf5 then trying to launch cr2 give this error. I'll try changing the order of increment blocks next


Seems you had an existing license manager from Wildfire 5.0 and while installing Creo 2.0 you installed newer license manager (Flexnet Admin). This is one of the possible reasons.

1. Check the installed programs on your machine. Does it has Flexnet Admin license server AND PTC License Server .....

If you have both in the list, uninstall the Flexnet admin license server. And reconfigure flexnet license server with new license file.


I think Mahesh is right. If you need our assistance with finding license managers, please upload the list of programs installed on your PC.

To get such list, download CCleaner - Portable and use Save to text file ... button.


Martin Hanak

Martin Hanák
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