In Reply to Jeff Schnellinger:
Hello Jeff,
Similar to Terry, I am also looking for new Laptops for Proe and Ansys.
As per your opinon, Dell with W7 OS, can be compatible for Pro-E, but Ansys could be compatible with same configuration.
I thankful you in advance for valuable suggestions
You can run both on Windows 7 OS. I would recommend to make sure to get
the 32 bit version of Windows 7. The 64 bit version may give you more
trouble, and unless you have more than 4Gb of RAM installed, there may not
be a real benefit. I am running WildFire 2, 4, and 5 on a Dell laptop
with Windows 7.
But to answer your questions there are options to make the dual boot
available. You might need to partition the hard drive to make it
effective though.