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I typically print everything to "A" size paper. I received some drawings in from a vendor and they are set to "C" size. Is there a way to change and save this setting on the drawings received. Typically I forget to change them the first couple of printings and then realize that I cannot just zip through printing things out like I normally do.
Thanks, Dale
if you want to print on A size paper evry time, then you can create your own printer configuration.
Simply set required options in Printer Configuration dialog box and the click Save button.
Give the file a specific name and save it into Creo 2.0\Common Files\Mxxx\text\plot_config. In this directory you can find system printer configuration file (you can look into them for an inspiration).
Edit your pcf file - modify information in button_name and button_help lines to distinguish your configuration from others. Check the option related to page size.
Restart Creo.
Now you can select your printer configuration in Print dialog box, manually. Also you can put plotter_command option in your file and set your printer configuration as default.
Try to create your printer configuration and use it. I can help you to solve problems, if you need it. Send me your printer configuration and tell me whats wrong. I'll try to resolve the problem.
Good luck
Martin Hanak