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Hello at all,
just wanted to start working by using creo parametric.
NInstallation was made with domainuser. programm itself needs to be started with domainuser for sure.
After start there is a message coming up (will post the german failuremessage):
"Prod_dcu.exe funktioniert nicht mehr" and the confirmation for closing the program.
=> After closing the failuremessage, the Parametric-program still runs and works too, but the message repeats by every startup from
Granting change-rights for authenticated users to the whole installdirectory from ptc didn't help.
Is there any workaround for this?
Cause it is pretty annoying, and i can't trace the subroutine from prod_dcu.exe and which failure could come up by NOT-fixing this.
Kindly Regards from South Germany,
and i would be glad if there is someone who already had this issue and solved that, to come up with that "fix".
Nachricht geändert durch Owner: Failuremessage deleted after deinstalling PTC Diagnostic Tools. Thread closed