Once connectivity has been established, it will be possible to provide recommendations based on TS Knowledge base articles. How would you like to see and interact with this type of advice?
As I think about this. I'm a user who has to get the job done so I've closed IM, eMail...no distractions. I may encounter a modeling issue that the Advisor has picked up on and could possible save me some headache. How to get that notice? For what its worth...how about some indication in the graphics window near the Regen lights or the Event Mgr boxes. A flashing yellow box or something. I'm sure your teams experienced with UI might have a suggestion. That indication gives me the chance to notice and decide to ignore or pause to review. I click on the indicator and get directed to the information. Just a thought but now there's something on the table.
How about Reporting any FLEX licensing errors, like "Invalid feature version". And linking with kb articles that show a fix for it.