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This morning while booting up Creo 4.0 M060 I had this error pop-up
Any thoughts as to what might be causing this?
Thanks, Dale
probably PTC changed their web page ... and integrated web browser "does not like its contents".
Suggestion ... add following option into file
web_browser_homepage about:blank
That suggestion did not work.
(Yes, I did restart Creo after adding that line to the
We get this due to some IT settings. It seems to be related to the same issues as browser compatibility mode. Try running the fixes from this article
Our users are currently also having this issue at every start-up of Creo4.
The web content of the "Resource Center" is causing this script errors.
I reported the issue to the tech. support today.
@DomenicLaritz wrote:
Our users are currently also having this issue at every start-up of Creo4.
The web content of the "Resource Center" is causing this script errors.
I reported the issue to the tech. support today.
please check whether following option resolves the problem.
enable_resource_browser_tab no
After reboot, still getting the script error.
Thanks again.
@Dale_Rosema wrote:
After reboot, still getting the script error.
Thanks again.
I installed CR4 M060 on Windows 10 (on Windows 7 the problem is not reproducible).
1.] start Creo and disable displaying "Resource Center" page in separate window by checking following option
2.] end Creo session
3.] add following option into file
enable_resource_browser_tab no
4.] start Creo
Note: You can use following options to disable displaying of other web pages
enable_3dmodelspace_browser_tab no
enable_partcommunity_tab no
web_browser_homepage about:blank
We were able to get rid of the script error by adding the three config options below. It only worked for us when all three were set to no.
set option enable_3dmodelspace_browser_tab to no
set option enable_partcommunity_tab to no
set (hidden) option enable_resource_browser_tab to no
Good morning. We are seeing this internally at PTC also. It is not release specific. A SPR has been filed for it, and is currently under investigation with the R&D team.
Thank you,