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Summary: Family table models keep showing as modified


Summary: Family table models keep showing as modified

Original question:

Wildfire 3.0 M150 and Intralink 3.4

I have a large assembly (over 1000 parts) and some of the hardware are generics with many instances.

The problem is that one of the generics and its 30 instances always gets changed (marked modified) in my workspace as if there was a change when I save the top level assembly. So I have to update them beforechecking inmy other real modified objects.

This troublesome generic is a library item and is locked in a read only folder in Commonspace. Maybe I could change the generic to read only (under Edit).

What could be causing this behavior?

Maybe some references of the instances back to the assembly?

Summary of replies:

1. Modify their Workspace, Hold status to True. Then Intralink won't check them in.

2. Have you tried "Locking" the family table objects in WS prior to opening the assembly. We have instructed our users to lock family table objects in order to avoid what you are describing. It has dramatically reduced incidents of modifications such as the one you describe.

3. Are the family tables saved in the latest version of Wildfire (WF3)?

4. It's likely that this generic and its instances were checked in with some kind of problem.
When you open the generic freshly, is the small stoplight in the lower right corner green? If not, that would indicate, the model was stored without having been fully regenerated, or maybe there is a feature with a failed or missing reference. If the stoplight is anything but green, click on it. When the conditional regeneration dialog shows up, Investigate the first feature listed. Redefine it and check that all its needed references are properly defined. Check the entire control panel, lately I've been seeing features show up that appear to be regenerated but on checking the sub-panels of the control panel, I find missing references.
Do any features have a status of anything but Regenerated. Fix that.
Alternately, the verification of the family table may not have fully successful.
It only takes one problem with the generic or any one instance to cause problems. If you can document a specific problem, You should be able to request that the part be updated.
Be sure to stress that the problem part is causing problems with the assemblies it is a member of.
When you do get green lighted to fix the model, make sure to verify the family table before saving it. Also make sure the stoplight is green before saving any model.

5. I have Intralink set to check out models as "read only" into a WS.

I select which files are going to be modified by removing the "read only". I then have a table display that filters based on WS status. This is my normal WS view. The benefit is that I know which files are being modified at any given point. I also use the "to hold" field for files which may need to have "read only" status removed but are not going to be changed. This method allows me to have as much control in IL as I have in Pro/E.

6. Check them out and keep them all read only in your workspace. Actually we keep everything in our workspaces read only by default. We only clear the status of parts we really want to change.

7. I'm not sure why it's marking as modified but the way I remedy the problem is by setting the generic and all the instances to READ ONLY in my workspace. In fact, I check out everything as read only in the workspace and then only clear the items I am changing. I almost never have to update models that I didn't mean to change. It was the most amazing time saver.

8. Possibly it’s doing mass props calculations? Do you have any mass props set to automatically calculate?

9. Are you making changes to layers at the assembly level? That will modify components.

Thanks to all of you that took the time to reply to my question.
If you are going to the PTC/User World Event in Orlando, send me a line and we can meet there.

Ronnie Shand

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