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System message


System message

Hello there! I'm a newbie -you'll see it. I tried to search the topics but couldn't find anything similar. My 'puter meets the requirements, but when I try to click on save, or open the program crashes with the following error: system message: SIGNAL RECEIVED: segmentation violation Please if someone could have any idea how to improve my knowledge about solving this cruicial problem, I would be very gladful. thanx
Not applicable

See for background on the message. This is a generic error message which is displayed when there isn't much other information for the user. In some cases, you can find out more by entering the following command in the user input line: (display (f2::get-last-exception)) This will open the display box window and display some internal crash information. Copy the data from the window, paste it into a text file, and post the text file here. This will hopefully lead us into the right direction. From your description, it sounds like you get the crash whenever you try to open the file dialog, either for saving or loading. If so, the culprit might be a system component which installs itself as a Windows shell extension. (Those shell extensions are loaded into a process whenever the process opens a file dialog.) Claus

Thank you for the help. I think so it is a windows fault. As I could run it on a different laptop without any hassle. Could you tell me please how to call the ""user input line""? where I needed to enter : (display (f2::get-last-exception))? I have tried to add this line to \BinNT\soldiddesigner.exe.config but didn't work. BTW I have a HP laptop with Intel T2400 Dual Core 1GB RAM and I run Windows XP Professional SP3 with JAVA standard Edition 6 Update 5 (build 1.6.0_05-b13) plus up-to-date windows patches. I've already added SDPIXELFORMAT Software line to my system preferences, as I also have a Intel 945 chipset. Thanks and sorry if I'm too beginner. Dyo
Not applicable

See the attached screenshot; the user input line is marked red.

Thanks! Sorry for beeng so lame Here is the message: 00000002 0B8F4008 7FFDD000 86DBC600... 78132A47 0E7AFFEC 0001:00001A47 D:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.1433_x-ww_5cf844d2\MSVCR80.dll Exception report written to D:/DOCUME~1/Dyo/LOCALS~1/Temp/OSD_Modeling_20.0.0.34_Dump1.mdmp.
Not applicable

anonymous wrote:

Exception report written to D:/DOCUME~1/Dyo/LOCALS~1/Temp/OSD_Modeling_20.0.0.34_Dump1.mdmp.


It is indeed. I made a backup before exiting What do you want me to do with it?
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