Okay, found out this morning that my laptop graphics are not able to run Creo2 past build M080. I have been running M050 for the past year just fine. (This is part of my recent download debacle updating from M050)
I have found however that if OpenGL is disabledI can run the latest version of Creo, n this case M100. I opened a few models, spun them around and they seem fine.
Question is: If I commit to M100 with OpenGL disabled, am I setting myself up for a big landmine later on? In other words, are out of the box graphics powerful enough now to run without having to depend n OpenGL?
What say you?
You didn't mention it, but have you checked for a newer version of the OpenGL driver?
Ah, yes....the inevitable "next" question....what about a driver upgrade. My particular graphics "card" is built in to the motherboard and, according to HP, cannot be upgraded. Does this sound correct to you? I mean I understand hard written cose and all, but a driver version that cannot be updated?
Face it. You've been needing a new laptop and now this opportunity has presented itself.
If you want to know for sure, check the used prices for the laptop you have. If you can buy a replacement for under $200 or you can't find it at all, that's a certain clue that it's time for a new one.
With the joy that Win 8.x has been, have a look at all the Win 7 units coming off lease.
David Schenken....I just did that! I bought two new Win7 machines about 10 months ago. Now I am faced with the dilema whether or not to go and buy another set of machines to stay up with the build codes. I may just run M080 for all it's worth for as long as I can. A couple of our customers drive the release updates / build codesfor me.