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I have done some homework on this already. I figured that something isn't quite right with my settings, or something like that. I want to import a Solidworks file. From one source on the internet I heard that Creo Par 2 can import Solidworks files. There is suppose to be a selection for that. On my menu I don't see that option. HELP!!!
Additional information. I went to the help resources from my Creo license and it said that I can open a Solidworks file. Still no sign of that option on my menu tree.
Not under file open type?
Nope. I don't see that all.
I seem to remember installing a file browser from SW to make that work.
It is still an importer... but it does have some connectivity. Never found it useful. Creo 3 made it worse.
you have to install Solidworks Explorer to be able to open Solidworks models in CR2. I tested this functionality 2-3 years ago with 32-bit version of CR2 and Solidworks Explorer.
Thanks Martin. I knew I wasn't going crazy ...yet