Hi all,
Mark, this would not work - Pro/E filters out invalid (from Pro/E point of view) config options on start up - you could see this in std.err file whichcould be found in the Pro/E start up directory.
On the other hand it is quite atrivial taskto write a text file parser which would mimic config.pro functionality. Also there are a number of code samples to get application configuration options from XML files.
The main thing to remember when writing your own config option parser is to stay as close as possibleto Pro/E approach oftraversing config.pro containing directories otherwise you and your users would be thoroughly confused on the long run.
1. Pro/E start up directory
2. application text directory
3. user $home directory
4. working directory
(I'm not quite sure what the precedence is:2 and3 or3 and 2)