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Win 10, Anti-Aliasing and Nvidia


Win 10, Anti-Aliasing and Nvidia

Is anyone else have drawing issues with line and font fuzziness?

Ever since we switched to Windows 10 and new M4000 cards from Nvidia, Anti-Aliasing is just messing with line weights while viewing drawings. Everything appears super thick and fuzzy until I mouse over a view. Then it seems to dim the lines and make them thinner again! What is going on!? If I turn anti-aliasing off in the config, drawings no longer "flicker" when I'm moving around and clicking but the models look like garbage.

Anyone else notice anything like this?

We have Win 10, Creo 3.0 M100, Nvidia M4000 graphics.

Any help appreciated

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Hello Matt,

I would recommend trying different Video Drivers.

I personally don't do much (or any) drawing work,  but with my internal testing of GC-1630 machines with M4000 cards,  and with my large assembly and complex surface model work,  I have had very good luck with Driver 362.56.

NVidia drivers have come a long way in the last year.  On my GC machines the NVidia cards are now OCUS benchmarking faster than FirePro cards.  (First time in 5 years that has happened!)   I would check the PTC list and find the "Certified" driver for you machine if there is one.  Then I would maybe try the latest driver.  Then I would maybe try some version of driver in-between until you find the one that works with your particular configuration.

One additional note:   Always use drivers that come directly from NVidia - not some third party website,  and never use the standard drivers that Windows tries to load with a Win10 baseload or upgrade.

Good Luck


Bernie Gruman

Owner / Designer / Builder

I've now tried several drivers from Nvidia and all seem to not fix the issue. PTC is telling me that "it is for sure a graphics card problem" which I figured it was...

I now have a ticket in with Nvidia to see if they can help solve this issue.



This is probably something you have already done,  but I want to give instruction anyway just to be clear.

Never load one driver over top of another driver.  That is:  make sure you uninstall the current driver first.

Use "control panel" "uninstall a program" to remove current driver software.  (uninstall everything that says NVIDIA)

Reboot the machine.  (this will reset the machine to standard Win10 graphics)

Then unzip and install the new driver.  (make sure to check the "perform a clean install" button just in case)

Note:  you can also try to do a "custom" install and only load the Driver software.  -  maybe it is nView or some other NVIDIA software that is messing with you.

After the install - Reboot the machine again just to make sure the machine is clean and happy.

Also,  another thing to try.   Could this be a Win10 Fuzzy Text issue that is carrying over into your drawing line weights?

Do a web search for "Win10 Fuzzy Text" and you'll get several suggestions on how to fix Win10 DPI problems - including "Compatability Mode" and others.

Hope this helps,


Bernie Gruman

Owner / Designer / Builder


Maybe you fixed it by now? But if not, I am curious what monitor you are using and what are you using to connect for video signal? Only curious because I have seen were people have no issue spending $1000+ on a video card but then hook it to an $89 monitor.


Samsung SA450's. Monitors shouldn't be an issue as these monitors were used with the V7900 card prior to this and had no issues.

SPR 6125282 was just pulled by PTC because they were able to duplicate the issue on their end. Appears to be an issue with the way PTC is handling the AA from the Nvidia card.


Ok good thing they reproduced it.

I have finally gotten a vague response that they are looking to correct this in M130... In March...

No real meat as to why this is happening or what is causing the issue. So my hopes are not high that they will get this resolved. Might have to switch back to our old V7900's and see if that fixes the issues.

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