It there a way to speed up the prehighlightselection (other than
switching it off or buying a new graphics adapter, it's not yet friday)
I have two systems
One has a Quadro FX1500 graphics adapter which prehighlights way faster
than my other newer system that has a Quadro FX3800
machine details Quadro FX1500, winxppro, graphics driver 162.65
machine details Quadro FX3800, windows7 proffesional 64bit, graphics
driver 191.75
both machines run Pro/E wildfire 3 build M160
32bit on xp pro-> fx1500
XP 64bit on windows7 ->fx3800
A second question related to prehighlighting
Has there been a change in the way it works between wf3 and wf4 or wf5
What I see in wf3 is that if I hoover over the model tree the
corresponding models are prehighlighted and stay highlighted until I
hoover further
What I see in wf4/wf5 is that a model is highlighted only briefly during
the movement of the mousepointer from one line to the next in the model
Are there new config options I need to set to get back the WF3
prehighlight behaviour ?
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