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I currently have a right click context menu set up for the creo purge command. it works but i have 1400 folders to go through.
is there any way to purge old versions for creo in a base directory and all of its sub folders by running the purge command once?
Solved! Go to Solution.
For a recursive purge you can use the script below :(change the foders settings)
Else i know that there are freewares on internet to do this.
@echo off
REM set to location of this script
set scriptname=C:\cao\temp\purge_all.bat
REM set to pro/engineer loadpoint
set prodir="C:\CAO\appli\Creo 2.0\Parametric"
if "%1" == "purge" goto p2
call %prodir%\bin\purge.bat
FOR /D /R %%a IN (*.*) DO call %scriptname% purge "%%a"
cd %2
echo Purging %2.
call %prodir%\bin\purge.bat
I use a free utility that works well, but is not very intuitive to use. It was written by a German guy/gal(?) and the interface is awkward. But it does purge old versions recursively (into sub folders) and it cleans out files like .logs and .inf and .m_p, etc...
proe dot cad dot de/downloads/DrPurge.html
I am sure there are others - maybe someone will post a better solution for us both!
why am I being moderated today?
"This reply has been hidden. This can happen if the message has been hidden by a moderator, or has been reported as abusive."
infuriating - I bet you won't see this one either...
I see you.
but do you see my original post? I still see it as "being moderated"
And I posted a new discussion and it was not moderated...
Not much help from "-" - no other way to get help that I am aware of.
thanks for the feedback.
No, there is a post that I can't see, which I suppose is you.
Nathan - your posts are automatically flagged when you add a link to an external site. It's part of our spam prevention and as you can see your post below was posted without issue.
No need to worry, I'll make sure to continue to review the moderation queue so that posts aren't caught there for too long.
Thanks Ryan.
I thought that might be the case - so I edited the original replacing the periods with the word "dot" - this did not seem to work; I guess the filter is smarter than me...
As you can see, I did post the same info below with no link nor issue. Now I know.
Yes, once it's in the moderation queue it's stuck there until we clear the flag, regardless of any edits you make after the fact.
Here is a cleanup batch file. It will only do one folder at a time though. You put it in your folder and double click on it. I don't know how to edit such a file, but this is what it looks like in Notepad. Maybe there's way to edit it so that it can search in subfolders as well?
del *.ICON
del *.rpt
del *.alias2iges
del *.iges2alias
del *.step2alias
del *.alias2step
del *.m_p
del *.bom.*
del *.ger
del *.inf
del *.inf.*
del *.log.*
del *.lst
del *.lst.*
del *.memb
del *.ptd
del *.rel
del *.tst
del *.err
del *.ICON
Del *.LOG
Del *.idx
Del *.xml
I use a free utility that works well, but is not very intuitive to use. It was written by a German guy/gal(?) and the interface is awkward. But it does purge old versions recursively (into sub folders) and it cleans out files like .logs and .inf and .m_p, etc...
I am sure there are others - maybe someone will post a better solution for us both!
Sorry for the double post - for some reason I am being "moderated" today.
For a recursive purge you can use the script below :(change the foders settings)
Else i know that there are freewares on internet to do this.
@echo off
REM set to location of this script
set scriptname=C:\cao\temp\purge_all.bat
REM set to pro/engineer loadpoint
set prodir="C:\CAO\appli\Creo 2.0\Parametric"
if "%1" == "purge" goto p2
call %prodir%\bin\purge.bat
FOR /D /R %%a IN (*.*) DO call %scriptname% purge "%%a"
cd %2
echo Purging %2.
call %prodir%\bin\purge.bat
just to clarify, could i create this as a batch file and/or run it from a right click context menu outside of creo?
just to clarify, could i create this as a batch file and/or run it from a right click context menu outside of creo?
Yes, this works fine exactly as you say.
I've actually had it set up as a right-click menu option on a folder in Windows, so you can right-click a folder and just purge it from there.
We had that version purging just the single folder, with another batch file which we ran from the command line to do a recursive purge - reduces the risk of an accidental click purging the whole drive!
there is a free utility that I use - probably constructed with similar code as is shown above. The utility is written by a German individual and its interface and usibility is not the greatess - prett hard to figure out. But it wirks well and I use it regularly. It is called "Dr. Purge" and I think posting a URL get's my reply "moderated" and does not post. A google search for "dr purge" returns several direct references to this utility.
I used to use "SpekanPurge" which worked well, but lost the link to it and found Dr Purge...
Anyone use other utilities that work well?
on Olaf Corten's site he has a purge tool, it is similar to what I already made myself, so I don't use it. But it appears to have a purge sub directories right-click.
I used to get moderated. Mostly I just take out the dots in the links. They also automatically accept links to other places in
This is a link I provided from an earlier post with an older version of Spekan Purge
(When you click on the DOWNLOAD NOW after the Spekan Purge - , it bring up a window with do you want to save Spurge_2.3.exe. I am currently running 2.3)
This is the discussion if you want to read more:
Thanks, Dale
Thank you for this link to Spekan Purge!