Martin, I am not familiar with the proe launch command. can you give detailed instruction. attached here is the license file that wildfire gave me "ptctrylic.dat". And this is the instruction given by wildfire on how to install. Pro/ENGINEER Module Try-Before-You-Buy Installation Instructions Please follow these instructions to configure your trial options with Pro/ENGINEER: 1.After the module trial form is completed, an email will be sent to the address you have provided. 2.The email contains a license agreement file called "sw_trial_email_xxxxxx.txt", please: •Save the license pack (sw_trial_email_xxxxxx.txt) to the main Pro/ENGINEER directory on your hard drive (example: C:\Program Files\ProENGINEER). •Rename the file you have just saved to "ptctrylic.dat". •You can then access your module by selecting Utilities, Floating Modules in Pro/ENGINEER. It will be necessary to acquire your trial options in this way at the beginning of each new Pro/ENGINEER session. appreciate the help. thanks