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Systems/Software Engineering Tips

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I'm pleased to share a presentation that covers Model Management with WIndchill Modeler 9.4, which is part of an upcoming training course "Introduction to Windchill Modeler". This presentation gives an introduction and best practices on the following topics: Access permissions versioning, private sandboxes, rebase, reconcile clone, component sharing, import/export differencing, reporting package states and versions  regards, Patrck
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We are bringing the Liveworx UX Lab to you this year! Contribute to the design and development of PTC’s products from the comfort of your home.   Participate in online 1:1 session with PTC Researchers and Designers to take our prototypes & conceptual designs for a spin, share your expertise to directly impact the experience of our future products.   For all Liveworx 2020 UX Lab sessions, click here   Windchill SSE (formerly Integrity) session links: WINDCHILL: RV&S 12.4 (formally Integrity Lifecycle Manager) WINDCHILL: Modeler 9.3 (formerly Integrity Modeler)
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Windchill Systems & Software Engineering is pleased to announce that, in collaboration with the LiveWorx Team, we are offering Systems & Software Engineering Virtual Symposium, a webinar series dedicated to Systems & Software Engineering (formerly Integrity) topics.  Some of the content being planned includes the latest news and product updates from PTC SSE Product Management team, partner solutions, and customer presentations.    We wanted  to give you a sneak peek on the PTC Community, while we finalize the schedule.    Please register tor the event to stay informed.        
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Hello, we are currently evaluating an option to include customized help into the ILM standard help system.   I am wondering if anyone of you can give me input how you today create custom help text (in your environment), and which tools you use to maintain it. From PTC point of view this customized help might come out of Integrity Process Director directly.   I am pretty sure that such a "Customized Help System Redirector", like it is briefly described below, can be implemented easily.   Here is the draft concept:   Related Ideas List Adminstrators of Integrity Related PTC Windchill Solution Windchill Help Center Enhancements Volker
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Hello All,   Let me show you how we recently configured the Integrity Lifecycle Manager layout for our Rich Client. Below is an example, the Test Session. As you can see, it looks new and helps the user to navigate easily within the form. Now, I ask you for your feedback. Maybe you have implemented another form layout that you are very proud of?   Test Session Layout:   Same Layout with Comments:   And the other Tabs:
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Concept Idea   We in PTC Consulting are currently working on a concept to enable Admin Staging without having the Stage System enabled. There are different options available, and we are reviewing them regarding flexibility, efficiency and stability.   What we are looking for   Your input and contribution is requested!   If you have a good business case, and if you are interested in a contribution, then please drop me a personal message with your business contact details. Additionally, describe your concrete business case.   I will contact you then shortly with some more material, that we have already collected.   Thank you Volker   ----------------------------------- Is "im createsolution" an alternative?   "im createsolution" was designed to extract the current configuration completely into a single file (.imt) and deploy it into an empty Integrity Server. Common Use Cases are:  Create fresh Training Environment, Create fresh Development environment. The important thing is that "im createsolution/im installsolution" will work with an empty target only, you can't use that technique to push regular changes over. In terms of support: as long as your configuration is clean, and not too big, both commands worked for me.     
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Intention This tip lists different best practices how we are managing certain administrative use cases within Integrity LM. All of them are in production since some years, and very stable.   Status The list below is a working list. Feel free to comment or even add more. I will update the main tip section accordingly.   Best Practices with Use Cases   Topics #1 to #10 are here   Topic #11 Item Editability Restriction Use Case As a process responsible, I want to make sure that only specific persons are allowed to edit items. As a process responsible, I want to assign the current user as default value for "Assigned User", that any item has a value in this field. As a process responsible, I want to make sure that users assigned to a read-only group can not edit any item in Integrity. As a process responsible, I want to allow that Project Administrators and Team Leads can always edit an item. Best Practice Add the field "Assigned User" to any item type of interest Create a trigger which assigns the current user as "Assigned User" if not set. Create a static and also a dynamic group to handle Read Only permissions Create an Item Editability rule for each item type, like the following:   Topic #12 Effective Role Management: Object Access Roles Use Case As an process responsible, I like to make sure, that a user will see only the relevant objects for a his role, such as specific types, specific queries, specific reports, specific charts. Best Practice A common practice is to create so called Object Access Groups. Such a static group will bundle role specific types, queries, reports, charts etc.  For example, such a role might be named "ROLE_Req_OBJ", and will contain all objects needed to fulfill requirement tasks. Another will be named "ROLE_Test_Mgr_OBJ". This role will contain only test management related objects. When adding a new user and granting a User Role, the user will get a business role such as "Requirement Manager" and also this related Object Role, such as ROLE_Req_OBJ. When a new Report gets created for Requirement Managers, then the report gets assigned to the ROLE_Req_OBJ role, and immediately all Requirement Managers will see that report, but only by them. Example     Topic #13 Special Projects Use Case As a project responsible, I want to have the following special projects: Library, Templates, Trash Best Practices Create a "Library" project that holds common objects, such as Abbreviation Documents, or reusable Test Steps. You can use the tip #8 to prevent the user from putting something into this library project that you don't want to have as a library element. Create a "Template" project that holds templates for documents, or even items. You can use the tip #8 to prevent the user from putting something into this folder that you don't want to have as a template. Create a "Trash" project, into which a user or team lead can drop a no-more-needed document. You can use a trigger to prevent that someone can  drop a document with traces in it. You can use the tip #8 to prevent the user from dropping something that should never be dropped. You may schedule a purge process for automated purging. You may restrict this Trash folder visibility to Team Leads only.  Each of the mentioned special projects can be team specific or global. Usually, we create different of them depening on the collaboration processes in place.   Topic #14 Tracing and Trace Definition Use Case As a user, I want that the system helps me to define the right traces. As a user, I want that the system avoids creating traces to Headings and Comments. As an administrator, I want an easy way to define the Alt-drag-drop functionality. Best Practices When defining the Alt-drag-drop functionality for Tracing, always include the category. This would avoid that someone creates traces between Headings, or Comments. Activate a trigger that checks about any invalid tracing that a user might perform in the relationship fields itself. Again, check that only meaningful nodes will be traced. Use the Trace Manager App to define and review the trace definition easily. Use the Trace Manager App to create automatically the corresponding STeF tests. (see topic #10)   Topic #15 Dashboard Alternative with external Data Use Case As a Project Manager, I want to have an overview about my project, where some data are from Integrity itself, whereas other data are provided by other systems.  Best Practices There are many ways to handle this. My suggestion is to use a report, and feed external data into the report using JSON and/or JSP.   A JSP can also display data provided in XML files. If such an XML file contains the data provided by the external tool, then our report and/or dashboard can display local and remote data in parallel. If the build in capabilities for charts are not enougt, consider the use of modern JavaScript libraries where you can create almost any chart type.    Topic #16 Standardized Custom Trigger Logging Use Case As a System Responsible, I want to get a standardized and consistent Trigger logging spooled to the server.log Best Practice  Develop a Trigger Framework, in Java, to standardize the Custom Trigger logging.  Possible output might look like this:   Topic #17  Standartized Reminder e-Mails Use Case  As a User, I want to receive reminder e-Mails about upcoming deadlines, or already missed deadlines. Best Practice Implement a new Item Type which holds the definition and the rules of how and when a reminder shall be send out. Define a Trigger which reads the reminder definition, and sends out the email according to the defined reminder cycle. Plan how you track the items you already reminded. Store also a log file.        Topic #18  Custom Help System Use Case  As a User, I want to have the possibility to access context - means type specific - specific help right out of the UI. Best Practice  Adapt the Presentation Template and add another link to a type specific html page. This help page might be generated, with links in it to different other information sources, such as team help pages outside (e.g. sharepoint, standard help, templates, process descriptions etc.)  We manage the links directly in a new item type.   Topic #19  Scheduled Trigger Chart Use Case  As a system owner, I want to get an overview about the Triggers ran easily. Best Practice Use a Trigger Framework to track the start and end time of triggers. Take those data and store them in a new tracking item type. Use standard build-in Charting tool to present the details of which scheduled trigger fired when.   Topic #20  Validate any system configuration frequently Use Case  As a system owner, I want to get automated support to check my own configuration rules.  Best Practice  Use the Trigger Framework to define multiple validation tasks to check your configuration  Define for each validation a single JavaScript file  Execute the validations using dynamic script inclusion.  Send an email about the validation results to the system owner daily.   More to come 🙂
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Intention This tip lists different best practices how we are managing certain administrative use cases within Integrity LM. All of them are in production since some years, and very stable.   Status The list below is a working list. Feel free to comment or even add more. I will update the main tip section accordingly.   Best Practices with Use Cases   Topic #1 Environment specific images for the Presentation Layout. Use Case As a user or administrator, I want to see easily in which environment I am working. Best Practice Add an Image to the presentation layout, which has always the same name, such as environment.png The link is pointing to a file on that specific server. The image itself presents the Environment, such as TEST or PROD. This solution also works in a stage environment. Example   Topic #2 Stageable Gateway Configurations Use Case As a system administrator, I want to stage all files, including the XML files in gateway + gateway/mappings. Best Practice see HowTo-Stage-Gateway-Configuration-Files   Topic #3 Versioning of Customizations Use Case As an Integrity Administrator I want to version any customized file of my Integrity Server Best Practice Create a folder structure in Source which matches exactly the sever structure of your Integrity. Put all files that you want to version into this folder structure. Create also a folder structure under public_html/gateway to serve the Best Practice #2. Create another folder structure that matches the local folder structure for your client. Put any file into this structure which you need to deploy to your clients. In addition, create a separate folder structure for any custom development, such as local customized Java Classes. This approach will finally version any file that is needed to manage your Integrity Installation.   Topic #4 Easy recognizable Item Images Use Case As an user, I want to easily identify the item type I am working with. Best Practice We have seen very different ideas of how a type image is used by our PTC customers. Our suggestion is that you use different images for different types, like it is defined in the ALM solution. If you add more types, our suggestion is to reuse the small image and use it also for the main image. You can use MS PowerPoint to create such images ('save as image' functionality) All images should have the same height. The color itself shall rather be bright, and never bold. Because the user focus shall remain on the data, not on the image 🙂 Example It may look like this:   Topic #5 Use Stage Configuration for IM Use Case As a System Administrator, I want to get as much as possible process support for administrative changes. Best Practice If you have not considered yet, take a look at the Stage Configuration for Integrity IM. The Stage configuration allows you to utilize a transportation wizard helping you to move configuration changes along your environment chain. It is described in the Administration Guide from Integrity LM.   Topic #6 Keep the Database small with File Vaulting Use Case As an administrator, I want to utilize system possibilities to keep the database size small. Best Practice Enable File Vaulting for the Integrity Database This technique will move binary data out of the Source area into the file system, but the data files itself stay accessible. Finally, such files are no more part of the database, therefor the database size stays longer small. You may also consider this feature when you are life and you want to reduce the database size again. Hint: usually the data size stored in Integrity is caused by such binaries (usually ~ 70% of the total DB size).   Topic #7 See the Configuration from a different perspective Use Case As an administrator, I want a documentation of the Integrity configuration, to check specific elements without the need to open the Administration Client. Best Practice Use IntegrityDocs   Topic #8 Item Level Restriction Use Case As a user, I want to get more guidance into which project level I shall store Items and Documents. In other words, Integrity shall prevent me from putting any item into any project (level). Best Practice We have implemented a trigger preventing the user to put items and documents into projects which are not allowed. This trigger handles explicit item and document allowances, but also item and document restrictions on the project level only. For example, the trigger raises an error saying: "You are not allowed to store item of type XYZ into the project level 2. Such items can be stored in project level 1 or 3 only". This helps us to keep a good data project quality.   Topic #9 Dedicated Training and Development Environments Use Case  As a Training Coordinator or as a Developer, I need a dedicated Environment where I can prepare my data and run my own tests and/or prepare Training Material. Best Practice Use "im createsolution" to create a "configuration copy" of your environment. Install this "configuration copy" into a dedicated Integrity Server (or VM). From that minute on you can work completely disconnected, prepare the demo or test data you need, or execute certain development tasks. Later on you bring your results back into the production environment.  The "configuration copy" will be very fast and is very small, because it won't contain any production data. Exporting with "im createsolution" is a matter of some minutes, installing it might take a bit longer. Alternative approach: Stage-To-Empty   Topic #10 Functional Testing with Integrity STeF Use Case As a system responsible, I want to automate functional testing, to reduce regression test durations for configuration changes Best Practice If you are interested in a thorough testing approach for Workflow & Document changes, such as Trigger, Field or State configurations, consider the use of the framework "Integrity STeF". STeF stands for Setup Testing Framework and helps you in definining and automating any tests that you would usually perform manually.   The Framework is Wiki based, test cases are defined in so called Fitnesse tables. You can run each test separately, or combined in test suites, or all tests for the whole application at once. Also a command line execution method is supported, for nightly tests 🙂 Integrity STeF is also an excellent tool to generate test data for tip #9.   The next set of Best Practices is here
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IntegrityDocs Creates a set of HTML pages documenting the PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager configuration.   Version 12.2: Created for Integrity 10.9/11.x/12.x and with full support of latest Firefox / Chrome / IE Purpose IntegrityDocs exports the current Integrity Server configuration from W&D, and creates HTML pages. Each section under Workflows&Documents will become one node within the report tree. Each section starts with an "Overview" page, and then each element can be reviewed in more detail by drilling down.   Use Cases Document the current Integrity LM configuration status Validate and compare the Integrity LM configuration status Present the Integrity LM configuration status without the need to have direct Integrity access   Install In IntegrityClient folder Put the "IntegrityDocs.jar" into your <IntegrityClient>/lib folder Put the "IntegrityDocs.bat" directly into your <IntegrityClient> folder Check and update the IntegrityDocs.bat file with the correct Integrity Client installation location, for example: SET IC_HOME=C:\Program Files\ILMClient11 In case of any performance issue based on too many data in Integrity, you can also disable certain object types from beeing scanned, such as --noIMProjects: disable Workflows & Documents Main Projects scan and output --noSIProjects: disable Config Management Main Projects scan and output --noTypes: disable Types scan and output --noQueries: disable Queries scan and output --noTriggers: disable Triggers scan and output --noCharts: disable Charts scan and output --noViewsets: disable Viewsets scan and output --noGroups: disable Groups scan and output --noDynGroups: disable DynGroups scan and output --noStates: disable States scan and output --noReports: disable Reports scan and output --noFields: disable Fields scan and output --noTestVerdicts: disable TestVerdict scan and output --noTestResultFields: disable TestResultFields scan and output You can add these parameters to the bat command itself or put them directly into IntegrityDocs.bat, ... ityDocs.jar" --noFields --noGroups It's also possible to generate the output just for one or specific types, then the command will look like this ... ityDocs.jar" Defect Project   How to run execute the IntegrityDocs.bat in your IntegrityClient folder connect to the Integrity environment you like to scan then review the outcome   Version Info 11.0.0: Added 12 additional object types to the existing Types and Triggers, complete code review 11.0.1: You can sort the Overview tables by clicking at the light green headings 11.0.2: Added Main Project for W&D 11.0.2: Reports now previewable and downloadable 11.0.3: Edit-In-Word Templates download now possible (links provided in the Type form) 11.0.3: Added Main Project for CM 12.1: Minor compatibility changes only 12.2: Minor Compatibility changes only Development Environment PTC Integrity LM 11.0 to 12.2 (also 10.9 is still fine) Netbeans 8 Java 1.8   Known Limitations the search does not work yet none of the SI or MKS Domain object is exported (primarily because of the expected high data volume) the "deploy" reporting is no more supported since 10.5 or so   Related Tools Integrity-LM-Administration-Configuration-Reports
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If there are 2 PLE licenses available how can it be controlled which users can access those licenses as the default is to take the license so the first 2 users take the licenses unless they specify not to take the license? This prevents the specialist variability Modeling users access the editor licenses. The method in this video uses the Flexlm options file to control who can use these features:   There are many other licensing features that the options files can control. For details please see Chapter 5 - The Options File in the Flexlm End user guide this can be downloaded from:
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Tag values can be displayed on both of these types of items using the diagram and object View Options The video below shows an example of this process including the creation and application of the Stereotypes and Tags
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This article outlines a concept how you can include the Integrity Gateway configuration files for mappings and the main gateway-tool-configuration.xml in the staging process. The goal is to have one single process for any kind of server file handing.
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Intention This document describes the consulting solution "Integrity STeF", which can help you to perform functional tests within Integrity W&D.   What is STeF? Integrity STeF stands for "Integrity Setup Testing Framework" to perform functional tests by entering and updating Integrity data through the Integrity API. STeF uses the FitNesse tool (see FitNesse itself is a Wiki-based testing platform to manage the test cases and test groups. STeF combines both tools by building the bridge between them.   Related Use Cases As a functional tester, I’d like to test if the data entry for Defects or Change Requests can be done without errors by different roles, including state changes and proper handling of required fields. As a functional tester, I’d like to test that all my triggers will perform as before after a major concept change in my trigger logic. As a system tester, I’d like to perform a number of tests in one run, to validate that my system performs in a certain area as before after some system changes. For example, I’d like to validate if document entry is still possible even if I had to make major ACL changes recently. As a system tester, I have to validate that the key process within Integrity W&D are still running ok, especially after installing hotfixes or performing an application upgrade.   How can STeF help you? In FitNesse you use Wiki tables to define your test cases in a very easy way. Each column contains one attribute, a row is an Integrity operation, such as create item, edit item or even delete item (to cleanup your test case afterwards). Once done, you can connect via STeF directly to an Integrity environment and can execute the tests. A positive result will be indicated with a green color, a failure is indicated by red. FitNesse tracks the test history for you automatically.   Regression tests are one of the common requirements which fit nicely into the concept of FitNesse and STeF.   Note: The screenshots above showing how a Requirement Document test is defined and executed in FitNesse. Such a test can be defined for any item type.   Status STeF is almost 4 years old. It was one of my own first development activities for PTC Integrity LM that I did in Java. Recently it was upgraded to the Integrity version 10.9, but should also work with 11.x (needs validation).   Special Features STeF can also collect data from Integrity for reverse engineering of test cases.  (see second picture above) STeF handles also negative tests. STeF can be extended with additional Java classes to handle almost all API commands within Integrity (also Source commands should be possible, although not implemented yet) STeF can also call the Gateway or Reports or Charts or Queries, and validate them. FitNesse can execute one, all in a test group or even all defined test cases in one single run (nightly tests). FitNesse has a command line option.   You should not expect STeF/FitNesse is not intended as a performance Testing environment. It’s for functional tests only.     Next Steps If you are interested in STeF, contact me directly and I will arrange a Web Conference to discuss your Use Cases and possible implementation scenarios for STeF.
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Hint: to open the small pictures perform a "right-click" and then "open in separate tab"   Intention This document is intended as a discussion base for topics and solutions around Reporting in general and specifically the Integrity Gateway and the Integrity Reports.   Status Although the PTC world speaks in between with ThingWorx and PTC Navigate (including reporting Apps), I still believe that Integrity Build-In Reporting has its place in the product.   Related Use Case As a user, I want the system to provide a single interface to generate predefined reports without having to switch to different tools. I need different formats depending on my goal for the information processing, either in MS Word, MS Excel, HTML or PDF format.   Standard Integrity Functionality Integrity Gateway: Create standardized Output - mainly in Word Format - for any stakeholder or auditors. Integrity Reports: Ad Hoc Reporting for any kind of business need in HTML or XML format.   1. Integrity Gateway (Client) The Integrity Gateway is a Java client application that can be run with user interaction or in silent mode. The user can select one of the provided templates (export configurations) and the target file name. Then, the gateway reads and transforms the Integrity data to create MS Word output.   2. Integrity Reports (Server) Integrity Reports are a server-based way to create HTML pages or XML files from Integrity. The layout is based on HTML templates, which are enriched with certain Integrity tags. Such tags allow, for example, to create repetitive sections based on the data provided (for data tables). Integrity reports are very powerful, although we have seen problems when complicated rich text or specific image types are involved.   Comparison Matrix: Feature Integrity Gateway Custom Gateway* Reporting Engine* Integrity Reports Report Gateway* Supports Output in Word Format Yes Yes - - Yes Supports Output in Excel Format - Yes Yes - Yes Supports Output in HTML Format - - - Yes Yes Supports Output in XML Format - - - Yes Yes Supports direct PDF Export - Yes - - Partially Supports Scheduling - - - - Planned Supports E-Mail Distribution - - - - Planned Supports configurable Output File Names - Yes   - Planned Supports Archiving - - - - Planned   We see that Integrity provides different techniques for different purposes (standard and non-standard*). All are valid approaches for the respective business case.   Reporting Customizations The most common customization is the Custom Gateway, but the Reporting Engine is also very often used. The Report Gateway is brand new and combines the functionalities of Reports and the Gateway on Server.   The Custom Gateway is a local Java Application which sits on top of the Gateway and offers mainly the following: Flexible Output Path and configurable File Names PDF Generator Baseline Picker   In addition, the Custom Gateway can add Java functionality to any export. Herewith you can get almost all data from any location in Integrity and enrich your data export. Examples are: trace listing, administration configuration export, audit trail listing, test document export with test session and detailed test results. All this is done with additional API calls directly before the document generation process.   The Custom Gateway also works with Excel. A similar template concept with tags as in Word was implemented. This allows you to create professional looking preconfigured Excel files directly from Integrity including Excel charts.     The Reporting Engine is an ad-hoc reporting tool to create Trace listings in Excel. It is a stand-alone Java-based solution that is not related to the Integrity Gateway. The layout is template-based and the trace data to be listed can be configured in specific XML files.   The Integrity Report Gateway is one of the latest customizations that bring the Custom Gateway functionality to the server. It was created on customer request to avoid local Java files completely. This solution already replaces the local Integrity Gateway. To further develop this solution, additional sponsors are required (current state: conceptual study, but very stable, re-use possible on request).   At the moment, we do not have a common solution to meet automated report scheduling, e-mailing or archiving. Although Integrity offers all of these elements, we only have to put everything together.   Report Scheduling Use Case: As a user, I want to create a report (one or multiple times) automatically from the system at a particular time or day, for example, for my own internal or external meetings with my clients as a preparation. The report should be generated automatically, that I do not have to log into the system and have to run it by hand entering the selection criteria again and again.   Report e-Mailing Use Case: As a user, I would like to have a system generated report automatically sent to me or a definable user group, for example, for my own internal or external review meetings with my customers. The report should be automatically sent, so I do not have to log into the system, to select and send it manually.   Report Archiving Use Case: As a user I would like that specific reports are automatically archived by the system when I have requested this. For example, I want the reports generated by the system sent to my clients to be archived, so I can keep track of them. A different example relates to audit-related reports I have prepared, which I must hold for several years.   Next Steps I am interested in your approaches to solve today's Integrity internal reporting requirements. I am also interested in how you have implemented scheduling, emailing, and report archiving.   Thank you   (Known professional or semi-professional solutions in use by our clients:  PTC ThingWorx Apps, BIRT, Oracle BI Publisher)
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Paul Bowden, Principle Consultant, from Nanga Systems teams up with The Reuse Company to show you how Requirements Quality Suite and Requirements Authoring Tool is used with PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager to ensure high quality, reusable requirements. These requirements can then form a high quality foundation to drive successful UML / SysML activity. This allows multi-discipline teams to build complete reliable and agile traceability across your engineering assets.   
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Requirements Quality Suite, a solution from The Reuse Company, allows you to customize, check and improve the quality of your requirements specifications and requirements documents.   In this video you can see: 1. How a PTC Integrity document is opened in Requirements Quality Analyzer (RQA) 2. How RQA can check the quality for this Integrity document 3. How Requirements Authoring Tools can help creating smart requirements on top of PTC Integrity 4. How our Authoring plugin is performing from within PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager 5. How different quality metrics can now be checked on-the-fly 6. How the Authoring plugin allows you to write requirements in PTC Integrity just by following a requirements pattern description  
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Intention This document is intended to describe the current status of Integrity LM configuration reports and to collect related discussions and ideas.   Configuration Reports for W&D Integrity Docs Custom developed offline solution creating static html pages about types and triggers for review and sharing Is provided as a JAR file to be executed on client One alternative is "Type Fields in Excel" Custom developed offline solution creating Excel Files instead of html files with similar information Especially helpful when you are in a workshop and like to track requested changes directly in Excel for later implementation Is provided as a JAR file to be executed on client IMConfig Custom developed Online solution for Admin reporting. For Type-Fields, the same java code is used here like in solution #2. And, it offers many more reporting, not only "Type-Fields-Workflows". For example, it offers also reporting for User-Group-Dynamic-Group details. Is provided as a single WAR file to be copied to the server Administration Reports Custom developed Word Export showing Administration Configuration Details for Types, States, Fields etc. CLI You can use the CLI to create config lists in CSV or XML format, and upload the same into any custom reporting tool. I am using #3 instead, where possible. Relationship and Trace Listing Custom Developed Excel List for all admin Relationships  and Traces. Created for Documentation and Validation purposes.  Trigger Overview  This report lists all Triggers with the name, and they are ordered by the type names on which the trigger fires. Each box represents a trigger. Additional flags highlighting the type, the pre or post mode, if a script is linked etc.   Configuration Reports for Config Mgmt: for ACLs: Standard Client Form providing ACL details in regards to given ACLs for users/groups and projects, subprojects In General You can use the CLI to create config lists in CSV or XML format, and upload the same into any custom reporting tool.   Next Steps If you are aware of any other solution that I should list above, please post it here as comment. If you are aware of any other related Idea or Discussion that I should reference, please post it also.   Related Discussions: For W&D: PTC Integrity Configuration Report‌ Re: Is there a possibility to give out all definition done in ILM "Workflow and Documents" how to compare two Integrity configurations   Volker
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If you are interested in "Meeting Minutes" and / or "RESTful services" in Integrity LM, read on ...
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Uploaded 10/01/2010 by Jim Winder to YouTube Developers are disconnected from Requirements, frustrated with lots of manual effort, and pulled in many directions. In this short demonstration we see how MKS Integrity provides a one-stop solution to help developers stay happy and productive    
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Overview of the integration between Integrity Modeler 8.3 and Windchill 11.0 M010. Also includes detailed use cases for the integration.Provides descriptions of the Integrity Modeler Windchill Exporter and PTC Navigate Manage Traces Modeler Extension (ThingWorx app) components.
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