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We are encountering the same issue, do you have a solution or a workaround yet?
Just following up from your response from my post.
Are you having issues setting the cacheTime for a remote property from Thing Shape or just getting the properties to connect?
Our goal was to use cacheTime to help our properties connect because we had issues but learned a few workarounds and opted out of using cacheTime because it wasn't ideal - it wouldn't capture every value from edge device but only on time, would fetch from the edge device too often if the value didn;t change often, etc.
Let me know your issue and I'd love to assist!
We have no problem getting the properties to connect but want to set some programmatically to always fetch, but when we try to set the cacheTime we get the same error you described. It does not matter which value gets used -1,0 or some other. As soon as we provide the cacheTime parameter to the SetRemotePropertyBinding service it fails with the Wrapped java.lang.NullPointerException.
So my question was if you found a different way to set the cacheTime?
Thank you a lot for your assistance.