I would like to capture information regarding Login/Logout time of user from Vuforia Studio to Thingworx, Is it exposed as a Service? Also I would like to know when the User logs in AR experience and when his session expires or logouts. Can it also be captured as a Service. We want to generate reports using this, Is this feasible? If so how? What else can be done If it is not feasible?
Take a look - "How to implement User Login / Logout Audit Logger for ThingWorx": https://www.ptc.com/en/support/article/CS266487
HEllo @SS_11298241 ,
You may refer the community post stating the similar issue as yours:
Let me know if it doesn't resolve the issue.
I want to capture the AR experience session start time and AR Session session end time?Is this possible?If so please suggest.