I would like to know the logging details of the kepserver data in Value Streams.
For example: If the kepserver connection with Thingworx composer is lost at 9 AM and resumed at 10AM. So, At 10AM which data of kepserver i will be receiving first in the Properties (i) The data present in kepserver from 9AM to 10AM or (ii) the data currently coming from kepserver at 10AM.
How the Value stream timestamps will be generated according to the above scenario?
I found two articles ... of some help.
But from what I remember, the store forward retains the timestamp and writes VTQ which means that records in the valuestream have a timestamp that was given, not based on arrival.
IE if value was read from device at 12:01 and transmitted at 1:01 the VTQ will still carry 12:01
Here are two articles that may be useful or not, please note the Fold option for remote properties.