Thingworx 8.5.2 :
How do I apply hover,selected styles to dropdown list items as I dont see any option.
I donot want to use style theme here.
Please help me out asap.Thanks in advance
Hello @krishnakomal,
Have you tried to use the Stype Properties from the Widget ? There is the Selected (filter and select-box) and Hover ( select-box) options which you can use to change the style. You can remove the StyleTheme and get the appropiate styles.
It is impacting the Dropdown box. But I want to impact list-items on hovering and selecting them
Any update on this?
background: yellow !important;
The above css code applies to the items but how do I set background color on hovering or selecting?
Hello @krishnakomal ,
It would be possible only from the Style Properties when a widget has StyleTheme.
Hope it helps,