I am still new to this and stuck trying to bind a widget(repeater) to a datatable, datatable service i want to use is "QueryDataTableEntries" service so I can get the required rows for the repeater, but I am not able to figure out a way to make the “query” input to the service dynamic. Basically i would want the "query" parameter in "QueryDataTableEntries " to take the value from selected row in a List widget. Would anyone be able to point me to some article or any link our there? I tried the community, could not find anything there. Any help would be much appreciated.
What I am trying to do is this:
1. I have a "Location" datatable hosting location like LocA, Loc B etc.
2. "House" datatable has the house information along with field indicating LocA or LocB
3. In the mashup, I need a dropdown that shows Loc A and Loc B. This I can populate from the "Location" datatable.
4. Now, in the mashup I need a house grid which should display all the house rows from "House" datatable for the location selected in the Location dropdown(which is populated from the location datatable).
You should build a wrapper service for QueryDataTableEntries which accepts your specific imputs ( Location and alike ) and inside the code of this wrapper service build the Query format for QueryDataTableEntries parameter.