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Edge Java sdk


Edge Java sdk

Hello There,

i have implement a small project on my rasspberry pi  to send it's temperature to thingworx platform successfully.

i have done this using LUA script, but i need to do the sam using java (E-SDK).

can any one help me with that or tell me where to start ?

thanks in advance .

5-Regular Member

H​ey Mohamed,​

Is there something specific you have questions about or need examples for? There is a Java SDK quickstart guide on the developer zone, and there are sample projects included with the Java SDK for a simple sensor and a steam sensor; this is where I would start.



5-Regular Member

Hey Mohamed,

I was also able to find this Academic program guide that is specifically around reading Raspberry Pi data using the Java SDK. Hopefully this is helpful!



thanks a lot Games.
i will check this but is there anything more simple as the examples in this link is a little bit advanced.

5-Regular Member

The project files are included at the bottom of the Academic post -- it should be as simple as downloading this project, building it, and running the executable jar on your Raspberry Pi as such:

java -jar ./temperature-thing-jar-with-dependencies.jar thingworxURI appKey simulated`

where thingworx URI is your URI and appKey is your app key.

Let me know if you're running in to issues; the only other change you may need to make is around whether your twx server is using SSL and/or self-signed certificates.

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