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I am making a API call to a 3rd party service that returns a JSON response with the content of just the value (as opposed to "key":"value" of normal JSON). Thingworx does not seem to like this and doesn't return a usable response except for the headers. GetText does not work as the response is automatically formatted as JSON. See attached image for format of response from Postman
ThingWorx 9.1.8-b845
Have you tried to output/cast the value that is returned from GetJSON as string to see if that works?
The output you show on the right screenshot though, ... can that even be considered a json?
I've tried doing JSON.stringify and JSON.parse, but it contains nothing in the body. As far as considered to be JSON, technically, it can be. It is just a string-quoted value without a key.
What you can try is to set the output result to 'String' without doing any stringify or parse to see what the service receives back from the call.
Setting the output to String (or Text) returns the same header content as when it is JSON.
Interesting, successful call shouldn't be returning those headers, those look like your call vs. a response.
I'm not sure if the Thingworx coding structure properly uses the : any that you have in there.
Maybe leave that out and directly use
result = Contentloaderfunctions ....
The ":any" is not actually in the code; it is an extension to ThingWorx that adds it to the editor.
Is that response at all a 'default' response when the call doesn't resolve into a value?
ie the api has some error handling that just returns the call payload if something is correct and it can't return the value?
No, the default response, if you ask for something that doesn't exist, is "
TW RestAPI is not strong as Postman, the best solution is let 3rd party service send back a normal JSON format response.
Except that, hHave you tried tunning the header option of GetJSON parameter? (red line). For example, set "*/*" for Accept option of header.
Besides, there are other services you can verify(green line), such as LoadBinary, LoadJSON.
I would suspect that just "somevalue" is not a valid json response. E.g. when trying to parse just a string in JavaScript
Actually wikipedia states that RFC 4627 is the latest json spec since 2006. And also e.g. when choosing this RFC says it is not valid
I did not research what RFC is used by TWXs json interpreter but I assume it will be the same like I have in my browser (1st screeshot) which says its not valid.
Because of that I would try to just user GetText
(return type String)
result = Resources["ContenLoa..."].GetText(..
If this would have your expected response, you could interprete it like you want. Hope this works as it may complain about the actual Content-Type send by the server.. Worth a try.
I am not clear what "GetText does not work as the response is automatically formatted as JSON" means exactly - if it throws an error or what does not work here.