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Help!Help!I need to parse this xml,anyone can help me?


Help!Help!I need to parse this xml,anyone can help me?

Dear  all,

I need to parse the below XML ,Please  teach me how to parse it,thanks.



Accepted Solutions
22-Sapphire I

generally you can use .*:: to escape name spaces

so try MyXMLContent.*::.*::.ID

or some length of that.

View solution in original post


What specifically is your use case on this?

With what and where do you want to parse it / what should be the final goal?


Dear Michael Neumann,

I need to change the XML to Infotable in Thingworx,but with the getXML() can't parse it.

Do you have the experise to parse it ? If so ,please tell me how to parse it, thanks.

The getXML() will just return plain XML - so this needs to be recoded into an InfoTable.
For this you will need to create a DataShape that holds the items you're interested in in the XML document.

Let's take the Community Stats as examle...

XML is here:

I'm interested in the channel.item titles, links and descriptions.

For this, create a DataShape "xmlParserTable" and in your service define the output Base Type as INFOTABLE with DataShape xmlParserTable.

I'm using this as my code to a) read the xml b) define my InfoTable and c) put XML elements into the InfoTable to d) return the InfoTable

// define XML source

var params = {

  ignoreSSLErrors: true,

  url: "",


// result: XML

var xmlDocument = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].GetXML(params);

// create info table from data shape

var params = {

  infoTableName : "InfoTable",

  dataShapeName : "xmlParserTable"


// CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(xmlParserTable)

var infoTable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);

// iterate through xml and add to info table

for each (var tagName in {

    var newRow = Object();

    newRow.title = tagName.title; =;

    newRow.description = tagName.description;





// return info table

var result = infoTable

I hope this helps...

At least it should give you a start on how to read and interpret the XML structure putting it into the InfoTable



For further references I've also updated CS218242 with what I've described in my previous post.

That should make it easier to find in the future...

Dear Michael Neumann,

The XML is with namespace and is a serialization format,I want to put "ID" into infotable.

I have tryed the method as you mentioned above ,but returned nothing.

<DataTable xmlns="http:////">

<xs:schema xmlns=""xmlns:xs=""xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata"ld="NewDataSet">....</xs:schema>

<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">

     <DocumentElement xmlns="">

          <Default diffgr:id="Default1"msdata:rowOrder="0">



          <Default diffgr:id="Default2"msdata:rowOrder="1">





22-Sapphire I

generally you can use .*:: to escape name spaces

so try MyXMLContent.*::.*::.ID

or some length of that.

I tried your method ,but when i click "Done",the thingworx remind me :missing name after :: operator.

hi ,pai.

I have successfully consume the xml in my test environment, and i changed the xml , change"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>" to "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312"?>".

but in product enviroment,the third party xml can not change the encoding,so I need to load the xml with getText(),then change the encoding,but this time how to convert the text into XML?


 I used below SOAP url and whatever xml response I got I parsed using below code.

(UnitedStates , 2019, 1)


var contentEnvelope ='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">\
<GetHolidaysForMonth xmlns="">\

var params = {
proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */,
headers: undefined /* JSON */,
ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
workstation: undefined /* STRING */,
useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */,
content: contentEnvelope /* XML */,
url: "",  /* STRING */,
timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */,
proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */,
password: undefined /* STRING */,
domain: undefined /* STRING */,
username: undefined /* STRING */

// result: XML
var xmlPage = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].PostXML(params);

var params_Hol = {
infoTableName: "holidayResult" /* STRING */,
dataShapeName: "HolidayDataShape_BABASHYAM" /* DATASHAPENAME */

// result: INFOTABLE
var result = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params_Hol);
var xmlDoc = xmlPage.*::Body.*::GetHolidaysForMonthResponse.*::GetHolidaysForMonthResult;
// HolidayDataShape_BABASHYAM entry object
//for each (var tag in xmlPage.*::Body.*::GetHolidaysForMonthResponse.*::GetHolidaysForMonthResult) {
for each (var tag in xmlDoc.*::Holiday){
var newEntry = new Object();
newEntry.BankHoliday = tag.*::BankHoliday; // STRING
newEntry.HolidayCode = tag.*::HolidayCode; // STRING
newEntry.HolidayType = tag.*::HolidayType; // STRING
newEntry.Country =tag.*::Country; // STRING
newEntry.Descriptor = tag.*::Descriptor; // STRING
newEntry.DateType = tag.*::DateType; // STRING
newEntry.Date =tag.*::Date; // DATETIME
newEntry.RelatedHolidayCode = tag.*::RelatedHolidayCode; // STRING


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