Can someone tell me which method encryptStringWithKey uses to encrypt data ?
I need to encrypt from thingworx but decrypt the string from an external system so I need to do the decrypt in the same way, using the same key
I just read from online help it should use AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding, but seems key length is not the right ...
the function needs 56 hex characters to encrypt, so it should be 28 bytes (224 bit) ...
I had this once checked with R&D and the official answer was what's documented in
The EncryptionServices are used for symmetric encryption and
I had brought up those concerns as well but there wasn't any more detailed information on how the services are supposed to work
Is there an online service to check encryption that gives the same result of encryptStringWithKey ?
I tried many but never had same result, or it gives an error on key length ...