Hi all,
It looks to me that EMS Thingworx agent sends a keep alive each 60 seconds. I supposse that it is related to "Isconnected()" service.
Is it right? Is there out any way of removing that keep alive? I know that it is useful, but one minute is too quick for me, is there out any way to configure that timer?
Its not related to is connected services. Is connected only shows if the agent is connected to Thhigworx platform or not .
And I believe when you say that EMS agents keep alive each 60 seconds , you mean the data value on thingworx for certain property is updated after every 60 seconds .
Updating of Property value depends on cache time . Please let me know if this is what you are asking about and also if you want detailed description of how cache time works.
Hi Javier,
there are two components to a websocket disconnect, the configuration in the EMS and on the platform in the WS (WebSocket) Communication Subsystem, see last paragraph in the Thingworx Edge Help pages:
On WS Communication Subsystem it is parameter "Idle Connection Timeout (sec)":