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How to configure the mashup's resolution?


How to configure the mashup's resolution?

Hi all,


I'm starting in the plataform and I'm having some difficulte with mashup's resolution.


My question is:


How to configure the mashup to open with the same resolution in my devices (smartphone, notebook, tablet...)?


I am creating a mashup type responsive (advanced) and I had been tryed with the type just responsive too.




Hello leinsfeld,


Thank you for reaching out on the ThingWorx Developer Community.


In order to set a specific resolution/size for the mashup you will need to utilize a Static Mashup. Static Mashups allow for a fixed width and height to be set.


In order to set these to the desired values open the Static Mashup, choose Design and then select Explorer in the left pane. Select "Mashup" then scroll the available properties in the bottom left-hand box until you find Width and Height.


Hopefully this helps.



Tyler Misner

ThingWorx Technical Support Engineer

Hello @tmisner 


Thank you for your answer.


I did the following:


I have created a mashup (type: responsive advanced), but when I run the mashup in smartphones IOS the screen not to adjust automatic and when I run in smartphones Android the screen it is ok.


Have you ever been through for this problem?




Follow below the images:



Hello again leinsfeld,


I have not seen this behavior personally.


As it looks like it may be a defect please open a case with PTC Technical Support via the PTC Support Portal and we will proceed to open a defect with R&D if applicable.



Tyler Misner

ThingWorx Technical Support Engineer

Hi @tmisner 


How do I open this case in the PTC Technical Support?




Hello Leonardo,


Can you confirm if your organization has an active service contract with PTC?


If so you can submit a ticket via the case logger.


If you do not have a service contract we will need to look at submitting a defect with the information we currently have.



Tyler Misner

ThingWorx Technical Support Engineer

Hi @tmisner 


I do not have a service contract I am using the free host for 30 days to happens the plataform.


Can you help me with this?




Hello Leonardo,


I will look into filing a product defect for this matter and provide a further update.



Tyler Misner

ThingWorx Technical Support Engineer

Hello @tmisner 


Ok. Thank you for help me!



Hello again Leonardo,


Prior to submitting the defect please confirm the following:

  • ThingWorx Version
  • iOS device you had attempted with (iPad 2018, iPhone X)
  • Version of iOS

Additionally have you tried on multiple iOS devices with the same result? If not do you have a second iOS device (preferably different model or different iOS version) you could try.



Tyler Misner

ThingWorx Technical Support Engineer

Hi @tmisner 

  • ThingWorx Version
  • Foundation/Analytics Version: 8.4
  • iOS device you had attempted with (iPad 2018, iPhone X)

I have tried in differents kind of IPhones (6s, 7 and 8) and every are the same results.


  • Version of iOS

12.1.4 (6s)


Hello Leonardo,


One more thing I forgot to prompt for on my prior post; Can you please export the Mashup from ThingWorx in XML formart? I can provide this directly to R&D making it easier and quicker for them to troubleshoot and debug.



Tyler Misner

ThingWorx Technical Support Engineer


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