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How to remove white space from grid auto-width column?


How to remove white space from grid auto-width column?


I have a Grid in responsive layout. I have kept all the columns width as auto-width. At runtime, I can see white space at the end of the last column(As shown in below image).

I want to remove this white space. Could anyone please tell me how to remove it.

Thanks in advance.


Renuka Patil


Renuka, is there a column without a data in your Grid Widget, not sure if this is the issue? If there is you can may be disable it's visibility from Configure widget option. You can check this from the Widget's drop down option (top left corner)

Hello Sushant,

Thanks for the reply.

All columns have data in Grid. Grid is in responsive layout & we have kept width of all columns as Auto-Width.

I am not able to understand, why this white space is showing in Grid & how to remove it.

Thanks & Regards,

Renuka Patil

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