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Hi, I am trying to use your widget. It would be really cool, but it does not fully work for me..
From some reason it cannot print root-Mashup. It shows the blank page. If I put my graphs inside of a panel, it rearrange them thus making graphs visible only partly. Any ideas how to print several widgets at the time and avoid the re-arrangement.
Even i am facing same problem can anyone resolve this issue please let us know
Did you copied the correct name as hyun gu kim's instructions?
hi hyunkook
i am Actually facing the same issue, any idea how to fix that? the button is working great but it's rearranging everything would be perfect if we can fix that
thank you
I just tried the window.print() function but i cant use "window" keyword. So i use print() function in expression and trigger it with a button and it worked. I want to share if anybody need to quick fix about this issue.
do you mind uploading your zip file ?
I did not try or used PrintButton extention itself.
I just want to print a popup mashup and with basic logic, created expression in mashup with JavaScript code "print()" witch trigger with a button. Which is open browser's print dialog. And then i configure the zoom, margin ect. It worked for me.
I also did read disabling browser's print dialog which in chome can be done from chrome://flags but i havent try yet.
Hi Guys
well the problem is that the <div>s from html at runtime don't have a specified Position and by default position is set to Static which in return ignores the padding and the position properties of the wedgits
just add an inline style to <div> with a position:relative at runtime.js and it should work fine for charts and images
win.document.write('div {position: relative;}');
hope it helps
Could you suggest where we have to add the below line.
win.document.write('div {position: relative;}');
I have added above code in below function which was PrintButton Extention code
var printfind = function(){
win =;
win.document.write('body, td { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt;}');
win.document.write('div {position: relative;}');
var url = thisWidget.getProperty('UnitName');
var b = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); // binds "b" to the desired element.;
//var div = document.getElementById('divID');
for (var i=0;i<b.length;i++){
if( b.item(i).id.indexOf(url) > -1)
After changes, import was not successful. Could you please where we can include code ?.
Thank you