Hello Expert,
In my Project send data to thingworx project from simulator (Java Code : getting simulated data from .csv and send to thingworx).
Run the Java Code using Command Prompt using ws syntax like : java -jar truck-1.0.0.jar ws:// 6dXXXX-ecb3-42fe-9ad5-9ea4ef82c300
But not showing on Remote Thing for Binding a connection to http://ge2-5606.cloud.thingworx.com/Thingworx/Composer/index.html
I also tried for calling Rest API from browser to one of the things Service but getting error like 200 Webcat Access Denied.
if you have any suggested code please share us to me.
Thanks ,
Your command contains an error, try:
java -jar truck-1.0.0.jar 6dXXXX-ecb3-42fe-9ad5-9ea4ef82c300
The ws:// isn't necessary at the beginning, check your source code as to whether you need the http:\\ as well, I've seen some code examples that prepend that or https:// depending on configuration.
If you modify your command so that you add >> logfile.txt at the end, you'll get a text file containing the system out, that will help you with debugging. Delete or re-name the logfile before each start of the java app. If you still have problems, you can also include the log file in the follow up question.
I was tried that http:// binding replace with ws: but did not establish connection between my java simulator and Thingworx in Remote Thing.
Would you suggest me about how to call REST API for http://ge2-5606.cloud.thingworx.com/Thingworx/Composer/index.html online Thingworx platform to property value set to Things.
Mayank, is this ThingWorx 6.x by any chance? If so, try allowing full access to the REST api as noted in this support document.
Ravi , I am using Thingworx 6.0 .I am facing problem to viewing a document.