I have a query that selects 5 columns from a database table. The query works when I select the "Test Query" button in the Service Implementation screen. When I try to invoke the query from the Mashup I get the following error:
Exception context[ method = POST, action = INVOKE, target = /Thingworx/Things/PredictionplusUATDB/Services/GetPPReportList ], message: Unable to Invoke Service GetPPReportList on PredictionplusUATDB : Could not execute service https://community.thingworx.com/GetPPReportList after making (2) attempts
I have not put any security limitations on it as far as I know apart from putting the connection username and password in the connection string for the PredictionplusUATDB Thing. The logs indicate that it can't connect to the database.
Any ideas?
Is the connectionValidationString set to "SELECT GetDate()"? That is usually the problem when that error is returned from the URL/Mashup.