So I want to use a thingworx url with parameters that will open up the mashup and have those parameters passed to java code I have set up to fill the mashup with data.
First, I go to the url and have the parameters sent to a service in Thingworx. (This is what I am thinking).
Then, send that parameters to the java code and run it. (This is where I am not sure if I can do).
Any other ideas?
I need to be able to do everything by just going to the url.
Check out the Thingworx Extension Development Guide here: https://support.ptc.com/appserver/cs/doc/refdoc.jsp?p=browse_results&Product=ThingWorx&Release=&DocType=
You can use the Extension SDK to develop a Resource extension (or a Thing extension, either will work) to create and expose Java functions to the Thingworx platform; this will expose a Thingworx service that can take in your parameters and pass them to your Java code via a REST call, similar to what you described. There is an Eclipse plugin on the marketplace that greatly helps with creating these types of extensions, here: ThingWorx IoT Marketplace