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Hi All,
I have a one time-series chart having time on x-axis and one value-on y axis .
I have created the state definition and blind it to the time-series chart.Still state definition not reflect on chart.
I am taking the data from through KepserverEx
Thanks in advance
Hi @sagarmemane92.
Which version of ThingWorx are you running? Please provide a screenshot of what you are seeing and describe what you expect to see. We'll also need details of the state definition you have created.
Thanks for quick response.
Currently using the Thingworx 8.5 version. I am trying to change the background color of time-series chart once the value is going above the certain value or below certain value using sate definition .
FA here of my state definition also FA here of my time-series mashup after applying the state definition
Hi @sagarmemane92.
If you're running 8.5, it's recommended that you upgrade to one of the patch releases. 8.5.1 provided a number of fixes for widgets. However, 8.5.5 was just released this week, so that would be the recommended one to go with.
If you're already running one of the patch releases, please provide an export of your entities so we can test it here.
Hi @sagarmemane92.
Just wondering if you've upgraded to one of the patch releases and re-tested. Please let us know.