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I am using the Thingworx 8.5.4 in Thingworx HA configuration.
I have observed below issue.
"Timeseries data is not logged into Value stream but data is updating into Remote thing."
Below setting are given to property.
Data Change Type is "Always" and logged is selected
Whenever if restart the Remote Thing, its logging the timeseries data into value stream upto 2 change values.
I did not observe in Thingworx 8.2.5 and Thingworx 8.5.1 version with same thingworx source code
I have verified with "QueryNamedPropertyHistory" and "QueryPropertyHistory" to check the timeseries data. Refer the attached screenshot.
Any one knows what is the reason? why its not logging into value stream?.
I have restarted Azure postgre sql service (Version 10) and restarted Tomcat also.
Thank you in Advance...
How many rows has value_stream table? Are there any errors in Thingworx logs or db logs?
What persistence provider you use?
Raluca Edu
Hi ,
Thank you for response.
I am using the Azure PostgreSQL 10 version for default persistence provider in Thingworx.
I did not observe any error logs on Thingworx. I will check on postgre sql logs.
where can I check no of rows in value_stream table?.
I have observed below errors on Thingworx Application Logs.
2020-03-23 02:28:56.182-0700 [L: ERROR] [O: c.t.s.s.e.QueuedEvents] [I: ] [U: SuperUser] [S: ] [P: ] [T: http-nio-80-exec-1] Failed to dispatch event. Invalid Thing In Event Type.Thing:Entity.PersistentSessioned91f09d-68ff-4bd9-990c-792edeb98286:Event.DataChange:Property.isConnected:PersistentSessioned91f09d-68ff-4bd9-990c-792edeb98286
2020-03-23 02:28:56.182-0700 [L: ERROR] [O: c.t.s.s.e.QueuedEvents] [I: ] [U: SuperUser] [S: ] [P: ] [T: http-nio-80-exec-1] Failed to dispatch event. Invalid Thing In Event Type.Thing:Entity.PersistentSessioned91f09d-68ff-4bd9-990c-792edeb98286:Event.AnyDataChange:PersistentSessioned91f09d-68ff-4bd9-990c-792edeb98286
Connect to Azure PostgreSQL db and run the following query to find the number of rows:
select count(*) from value_stream;
Raluca Edu
I am unable to run the query tool.
Observation on Thingworx:
If create the Thing, assign Value stream and update the property values through service manually without any remote binding, time series values are storing into value stream.
If create the Thing ,assign Value stream and bind the remote property values to thing properties, time series values are not storing into value stream.
Is there any changes on plotform settings file?. Below is the persistent provider settings.
"acquireIncrement": 5,
"acquireRetryAttempts": 3,
"acquireRetryDelay": 10000,
"checkoutTimeout": 1000000,
"driverClass": "org.postgresql.Driver",
"fetchSize": 5000,
"idleConnectionTestPeriod": 60,
"initialPoolSize": 5,
"jdbcUrl": "XXX",
"maxConnectionAge": 0,
"maxIdleTime": 0,
"maxIdleTimeExcessConnections": 300,
"maxPoolSize": 1000,
"maxStatements": 100,
"minPoolSize": 5,
"numHelperThreads": 8,
"password": "XXX",
"testConnectionOnCheckout": false,
"unreturnedConnectionTimeout": 0,
"username": "XXX"
"maximumBlockSize": 2500,
"maximumQueueSize": 250000,
"maximumWaitTime": 10000,
"numberOfProcessingThreads": 5,
"scanRate": 5,
"sizeThreshold": 1000
"maximumBlockSize": 2500,
"maximumQueueSize": 500000,
"maximumWaitTime": 10000,
"numberOfProcessingThreads": 5,
"scanRate": 5,
"sizeThreshold": 1000
"maximumBlockSize": 2500,
"maximumWaitTime": 1000,
"maximumQueueSize": 100000,
"numberOfProcessingThreads": 20,
"scanRate": 25,
"sizeThreshold": 1000