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I have installed UploadThing 1.2 in Thingworx 7.4. Installation process has finished correctly but the Thing is still not connected.
Thingworx is configured in the port 8443 using SSL. I have changed the port in to 8443 but there is no improvement.
Could anyone help me?
What are the errors in the logs? Is port 8443 open on the machine where ThingWorx is installed?
Hi Ankit Gupta,
The port 8443 is open. When I run the command netstat -a it appears as LISTENING. Also, I am using ThingWorx through this port to work from my computer.
I don't know which logs you need. During UploadThing installation there is no errors.
In ThingWorx Application Log, I can see the following errors that appear each 10 seconds.
Thank you very much
Since you are using SSL enabled ThingWorx so could you please verify and confirm that instance URL is as below:
wss://< IP ADDRESS> : <PORT>/Thingworx/WS
Also please advise if you get any error message on command prompt while running Install.bat file inside Upload Thing folder.
I believe you have already opened a Technical Support case ( 13736553 ) for this issue and we will provide further assistance on the same.
You are right. There is a Technical Support case created for this issue, but I have still problems with the issue.
I include the log messages for UploadThing, just in case.
Hi, I checked the case Mohit mentioned, he reported the problem to R&D, and disabled the SSL in the upload thing to make it work normally as workaround solution.
Hi Fernando
It probably would be best if you can upload your log and file (probably in a new thread).
If you have the same issue as David, we can notice that in the last log the UploadThing tries to connect to ws://server:8443 ...
since SSL is used, the uri should be wss://server:8443 not ws://server:8443.
So at a first step you can check your <UplaodThing Install Dir>/ file and make sure the serverURL property points to the correct URL and uses wss not ws.
As mentioned by Ryan, disabling SSL would also help if acceptable to you.
Kind regards
Hi Ryan/Christophe,
After changing to WSS it worked perfectly.
Thanks for the help!
Our pleasure, and please mark Correct and Helpful to the answers so that this thread will be officially closed, otherwise other TS engineers may spend time on this resolved problem, thanks
I have the same issus. I try to understand the "Analytics Builder Quickstart" but at the point where I have to upload the dataset I get the error:
"Error invoking service: Wrapped com.thingworx.exceptions.CouldNotConnectException: UploadThing is not connected Cause: UploadThing is not connected"
Maybe it had something todo with the settings in the thingworx analytics builder? In the settings mask I can enter everything for application id and application key (which seems strange to me).
What I have normaly enter there? How to resolve this error?
PS: I use thingwork 8 and anaytics 8
Hi David
Have you installed UploadThing on the ThingWorx server and is it running ?
you may want to check this blogs / videos, the last one is about UplaodThing: Installing Thingworx Analytics Builder
If you still have issue after that I woudl recommend that you open a new discussion.
The situation in this discussion was specific to the use of https which I am not sure it is what you are using