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Why do we need to create a remote thing?


Why do we need to create a remote thing?

I am a bit confused on the concept of remote thing..

Let's say I have a mars rover (physical device) on which I install the ThingWorx SDK to start sending data to my ThingWorx server. I know that using the SDK I can directly connect the mars rover to my rover Thing (NOT inheriting RemoteTemplate ) on the server.

So why are remote things created then? Only when gateways are used?


When you say, "I can directly connect the mars rover to my rover Thing (NOT inheriting RemoteTemplate )", are you saying that you are connecting over a websocket, or are you updating properties and/or calling services with HTTP requests?

When trying to connect to a Thing not using a RemoteThing* template there will be a warning in the Application Log that you are not using a ConnectedThing for your remote device SDK. A ConnectedThing has functionality that a regular Thing using a GenericThing ThingTemplate, etc., will not have. Functionality in the form of services that automatically handle pushing property updates and handling any service invocations coming through the websocket communication.

Ok. I was using the HTTP REST APIs. So if I understand correctly, using a RemoteThing template automatically enables bidirectional websockets connections with the edge device.

Can I directly bind the remote template Thing to the mashup OR do I need to create one more local bound Thing and bind it the the remote thing first?


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