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We want to install Thingworx analytics 8 server on windows 7 of desktop grade machine.
As per installation guide ,Docker toolbox is downloaded and installed on same machine of windows 7.
After installing when we are running command of Docker info, its throwing error as below..
any other tools has to be installed or other settings we have to check?
Please help.
Run the Docker Quickstart Terminal. installed with Docker to check the version.
Hi Harish,
Here we want to check docker on windows has installed properly or not.As we are facing error while installing analytics server.
That's why we ran Docker version command.
As it is throwing error ,we assumed docker not installed properly.
below is the error we are getting while installing Analytics server.
Your first post indicate that you are using Docker version 17.06.0.CE. I second post 17.03.0.ce. I would suggest to uninstall all the installed versions
Download & Install the latest version of Docker. After installation, Run the Docker quick start terminal and than run the version command.
Hi Harish,
We did all the steps as you suggested.
but still getting same error.
Hi Raji
Could you post the output of docker version executed in a quick start terminal NOT a Command prompt
Hi Christophe,
Pls chk
Hi Raji
Thank you for that.
I am afreaid your are facing the issue reproted at which is basically due to the version of docker toolbox.
Could you execute the same uninstall and reinstall steps that Kumar sent you but instead of installign t he latest version install the version DockerToolbox-17.03.0-ce (the article give the link to the archive where to find it)
Thank you
Kind rgeards
Thanks for your reply.
We tried with 17.03.0 version ,this time we got different error while installing Analytics.
We have chosen second option to connect with postgre that is "Install docker community postgreSQL".
After this error it continued installation and got installation Summary is as follows :
Finally we are not able to access Analytics URL:
getting error message as "Site can not be reached"
While installing it has asked for Tomcat port.Does it mean that it is communicating with Thingworx server?
or separately Tomcat needs to installed in this analytics machine?
Please help.
Hi Raji
Could you please post the install log ?
You should find it in the installation directory and is named thingWorxAnalyticsServer-install.log
Please check below log.
Log started 08/17/2017 at 18:46:24
Preferred installation mode : win32
Trying to init installer in mode win32
Mode win32 successfully initialized
[18:46:27] - Installing ThingWorx Analytics Server...
[18:46:27] - Started Executing preInstallationActionList Actions...
[18:46:27] - Completed Executing preInstallationActionList Actions...
[18:47:35] - Verifying if PostgreSQL is connected ...
Executing cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" superuser **** postgres 5432
Script exit code: 1
Script output:
Verifying PostgreSQL connection ...
Error accessing postgres connection: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" superuser **** postgres 5432: Program ended with an error exit code
[18:47:58] - PostgreSQL connection verification [FAILED]
[18:48:25] - Verifying if PostgreSQL is connected ...
Executing cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" postgres **** postgres 5432
Script exit code: 1
Script output:
Verifying PostgreSQL connection ...
Error accessing postgres connection: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" postgres **** postgres 5432: Program ended with an error exit code
[18:48:48] - PostgreSQL connection verification [FAILED]
[18:50:15] - Verifying if PostgreSQL is connected ...
Executing cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" postgres **** postgres 5432
Script exit code: 1
Script output:
Verifying PostgreSQL connection ...
Error accessing postgres connection: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" postgres **** postgres 5432: Program ended with an error exit code
[18:50:38] - PostgreSQL connection verification [FAILED]
[18:51:54] - Verifying if PostgreSQL is connected ...
Executing cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" postgres **** postgres 5432
Script exit code: 1
Script output:
Verifying PostgreSQL connection ...
Error accessing postgres connection: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/postgresql_validator.exe" postgres **** postgres 5432: Program ended with an error exit code
[18:52:17] - PostgreSQL connection verification [FAILED]
Preparing to Install
Preparing to Install
[18:53:25] - Verifying if native docker is installed and running ...
Executing cmd /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer/validation/docker_validator.exe"
Script exit code: 1
Script output:
Verifying docker installation ...
Command output: Docker version 17.03.0-ce, build 60ccb22
docker installation verified
Error accessing docker daemon: exit status 1
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Could not verify native docker, verifying for docker-machine.
[18:53:29] - Native docker verification [FAILED]
[18:53:29] - check_host_mach_ip_already_set...
[18:53:29] - Verifying if docker-machine is installed...
18:53:29] - Checking if Hyper-v is running...
[18:53:29] - Type of virtualization: virtualbox
[18:53:29] - docker-machine is installed [SUCCESS]...
[18:53:29] - Removing any existing docker machine "DockerMachinePTC"...
Executing docker-machine rm -f DockerMachinePTC
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
About to remove DockerMachinePTC
WARNING: This action will delete both local reference and remote instance.
Script stderr:
Error removing host "DockerMachinePTC": Host does not exist: "DockerMachinePTC"
Can't remove "DockerMachinePTC"
[18:53:31] - Creating docker machine "DockerMachinePTC"...
Executing docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory "4096" --virtualbox-disk-size "10000" --virtualbox-share-folder "\\?\C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer:installdir" DockerMachinePTC
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Running pre-create checks...
(DockerMachinePTC) Unable to get the latest Boot2Docker ISO release version: Get dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Creating machine...
(DockerMachinePTC) Unable to get the latest Boot2Docker ISO release version: Get dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
(DockerMachinePTC) Copying C:\Users\1039063\.docker\machine\cache\boot2docker.iso to C:\Users\1039063\.docker\machine\machines\DockerMachinePTC\boot2docker.iso...
(DockerMachinePTC) Creating VirtualBox VM...
(DockerMachinePTC) Creating SSH key...
(DockerMachinePTC) Starting the VM...
(DockerMachinePTC) Check network to re-create if needed...
(DockerMachinePTC) Waiting for an IP...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Provisioning with boot2docker...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
Checking connection to Docker...
Docker is up and running!
To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe env DockerMachinePTC
Script stderr:
[18:57:34] - Setting environment variables...
Setting variable DOCKER_HOST from docker_machine_validator.exe DockerMachinePTC DOCKER_HOST
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Script stderr:
Setting variable DOCKER_CERT_PATH from docker_machine_validator.exe DockerMachinePTC DOCKER_CERT_PATH
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Script stderr:
[18:57:44] - Docker machine "DockerMachinePTC" created [SUCCESS]...
Setting variable docker_machine_ip from cmd /c docker-machine ip "DockerMachinePTC"
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Script stderr:
Directory already exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\twxml-analytics-server-docker-8.0.0.tar
Directory already exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\ptc-zookeeper-docker-3.4.8.tar
Directory already exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\twxml-analytics-gridworker-docker-8.0.0.tar
Directory already exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\license_agreement
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\license_agreement\EULA.txt
Directory already exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\validation
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\validation\docker_validator.exe
Directory already exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\validation
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\validation\docker_machine_validator.exe
Directory already exists: C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\validation
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\validation\postgresql_validator.exe
Creating directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\launcher
Unpacking files
Unpacking C:\Program Files (x86)\ThingWorxAnalyticsServer\launcher\launcher.exe
[18:59:03] - Started Executing postInstallationActionList...
[18:59:03] - Installing analytics service...
[18:59:03] - Installing Docker community PostgreSQL 9.5 with adminuser/adminpwd [postgres/62cee68c7e] on port[5432]...
Creating container for Docker community PostgreSQL 9.5 ...
Executing docker run -d -l TAS -l TWX --name community_postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=62cee68c7e postgres:9.5
Script exit code: 125
Script output:
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T17:59:04+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Unable to find image 'postgres:9.5' locally
C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving.
See 'C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe run --help'.
Could not create container for Docker community PostgreSQL 9.5. Please refer to the install.log file for more details.
Creating volume for ThingworxAnalyticsServer..
Executing docker volume create --name ThingworxAnalyticsServer
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T17:59:51+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Loading image for Zookeeper ...
Executing docker load -i ptc-zookeeper-docker-3.4.8.tar
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Loaded image: ptc/zookeeper-docker:3.4.8
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T17:59:53+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Loading image for ThingWorx Analytics Server ...
Executing docker load -i twxml-analytics-server-docker-8.0.0.tar
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Loaded image: twxml/analytics-server-docker:8.0.0
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T18:00:27+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Loading image for Gridworker ...
Executing docker load -i twxml-analytics-gridworker-docker-8.0.0.tar
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Loaded image: twxml/analytics-gridworker-docker:8.0.0
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T18:02:50+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Creating container for Zookeeper ...
Executing docker run -d -l TAS -l TWX --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 ptc/zookeeper-docker:3.4.8
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T18:05:05+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Creating container for Gridworker ...
Executing docker run -d -l TAS -l TWX --name gridworker1 --link zookeeper:zookeeper --restart=always -v ThingworxAnalyticsServer:/opt/analytics/data -e GRIDWORKER_MEMORY=2G twxml/analytics-gridworker-docker:8.0.0
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T18:05:08+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Creating container for Analytics Server ...
Executing docker run -d -l TAS -l TWX --name analytics --link zookeeper:zookeeper -v ThingworxAnalyticsServer:/opt/analytics/data -p 8080:8080 -e DB_ADMIN_USER=postgres -e DB_ADMIN_PWD=62cee68c7e -e ADMIN_DB=postgres -e DB_HOST= -e DB_PORT=5432 -e TOMCAT_MEMORY=2G twxml/analytics-server-docker:8.0.0
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Script stderr:
time="2017-08-17T18:05:10+05:30" level=info msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
[19:05:12] Service ThingWorx Analytics Server installed [SUCCESS]
[19:05:12] - Saving installation report...
[19:05:12] - twxml/analytics-server-docker:8.0.0 twxml/analytics-gridworker-docker:8.0.0 ptc/zookeeper-docker:3.4.8, ThingworxAnalyticsServer
[19:05:13] - Installation report saved...
Creating Uninstaller
Creating uninstaller 25%
Creating uninstaller 50%
Creating uninstaller 75%
Creating uninstaller 100%
Installation completed
[19:05:31] - Finished executing ThingWorx Analytics Server installer...
Log finished 08/17/2017 at 19:05:31
Hi Raji
I see several netwrok connection error in this log, so you may want to double chekc you can successfully access the Internet from that machine.
Also the postgres install fails because of
Unable to find image 'postgres:9.5' locally
C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving.
See 'C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker.exe run --help'.
This also can point to the fact that there is some network/DNS issue
is nslookup returning something ?
if not then you would need to check with your network admin.
you could also try the command docker pull postgres:9.5 , I would expect it to fail in the same way but that would remove the layer of the installer and limit the issue to a docker one.
Note I will be OOTO for the next 2 weeks, but hopefully somebody else will be able to assist.
Kind rgeards
Hello ,
Even i am getting the same error in both the cases first the DockermachinePTC error then the Postgres9.5 error .it would be great for some help
Kind Regards,
It would be best if you could open a new thread for your issue describing exactly what you are facing.
There have been already multiple different problem dealt with in this thread so this is becoming too confusing to understand what same problem you are facing, and make this thread difficult for others to reuse.
Thank you
Kind rgeards
Hello Christophe ,
I have opened a thread already ,and also had shared the log files ,my issue is still the same i am able to use Thingworx analytics server when i start it form start menu ,but not able to access it from docker quick-start terminal,but didn't get a proper solution for it yet .i hope you reply in the below thread .
Thingworx analytics 8.0 docker installation on windows 7
Kind Regards
Amar .
Quick question, are you installing on a virtual PC or a physical machine.
On both, you should have VT-X/AMD-v enabled in BIOS. For a virtual PC, this can be a problem.
I had the same error with the docker_machine_validator.exe because of this.
Hello ,
I am trying to install it on physical machine .I went into the BIOS Setup and check the setting for virtualization it was enabled .
Thanks For Replying
Kind Regards ,
Hi, seems to be ok, although this depends on your hardware of course
Virtualization needs to be enabled, to be able to run the virtual docker server.
For me it was the reason the docker_validator.exe failed, because I was running it on a VMWare Virtual PC on ESX.
Check also this post: Re: Thingworx Analytics Installation Issue