I am using ThingWorx 8.2 and suddenly the license got ignored. I generated a new license for my device id and deployed it again. But it ignored the license again. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Shalini V.
Could you please send the license .bin file for a further investigation?
Hi Anna,
Thanks for your swift response. Please find the attached license.
Your main license is close to deadline Expires=31-oct-2019, but still get time.
You may paste your application log as well.
Hi @svisveswaraiya.
Did you remove all existing *.bin files from the \ThingworxPlatform folder? Please confirm you have only one .bin file located there.
When you say the license suddenly got ignored, were you getting a notification in Composer that your license was expiring? Has your contract been extended? If no contract changes have been submitted through our system to extend the expiration date, etc., generating a new license would contain the same features as the previous license and it would be expected that the license file would be renamed to "ignored."
Since your email address does not identify the customer account, I'm not able to check your entitlements. Please private message me with that information so I can validate.
Hi @svisveswaraiya.
If one of the previous responses answered your licensing question, please mark the appropriate one as the Accepted Solution for the benefit of others with the same question. If you are experiencing issues related to licensing, please provide further information so we can assist.
Hi @svisveswaraiya .
Please let us know if you resolved your licensing issue. If you still need assistance, please let us know.