I'm trying to have the feature of multiple selection in Thingworx 8.4 in standard grid from touch devices, does anyone know how to perform this ?
from desktop pressing ctrl + mouse click i am able to select more than 1 row , but from tablet only 1 per row, can you please help me ?
Thanks !
Probably need to use a different mechanism to do the selection.
Something like a tap or double tap to select.
Or use a collection widget with check boxes as a column.
Thanks, i already tried to double tap, long tap, multiple tap but do not work.
Collection looks not fast to render fields, any other suggestions ?
Perhaps I wasn't clear:
Add a field to your data that indicates selected / not selected (boolean)
on a double tap or tap, update the table content to toggle that boolean
This way you have your selected set.
You can add some state based formatting to indicate the selected rows