i have upgraded the thingworx from 9.3 to 9.5. i have created industrial connector thing for kepware connection its showing connected status. but when I create Edge thing with industrial connector as
as industrial thing ,status of that Edge is showing disconnected. Am i missing something here in binding or settings?
Solved! Go to Solution.
nop...it got resolved automatically ...which is surprise to us well ... may be some permission issues from clients IT team ..not sure
Suraj Patil
Hi @Suraj_Patil
The isConnected flag on the platform would mean that the websocket is connected and the thing is bound. If the websocket connection is broken, then the whole bind process needs to be done again. Create the websocket, send an auth request, and send a bind request for all things. In the context of the Java SDK, a ConnectedThingClientChangeListener needs to process the closeConnection event and set isBound to false. When you check the bind status using if (!this.isBound), you are simply checking the local flag. You will need to locally flip the isBound flag or you will never reissue the request. Instead of checking if!bound, just bind again. let us know if you have any doubts.
Can please elaborate it more.
i can see kepware thing(industrial connector) is connected in my instance.
but the Edge thing which i created using industrial thingshape is showing disconnected status.
i followed this procedure to do connection
Hi @Suraj_Patil
I see you have created a salesforce case for this, thanks for this because we need to check it at the call, let us know if your issue will not be resolved at tomorrow's meeting.
nop...it got resolved automatically ...which is surprise to us well ... may be some permission issues from clients IT team ..not sure
Suraj Patil