Hi, hoping you're doing well
I don't finish to fully understand how work properly with thingworxs so I ask for your help again
I have a test Mashup
when I click the butto marked in red I got the results form db, this works fine
Now I need to get the datetime when I clicked the button222 (marked in blue) and pass this datetime to a service
I also made a generic service that gets an input parameter and log the data
I tested the generic service alone and works
But I cannot bind what I need from the mashup to the service or I dont know how to do it,...
How can I bind the click event to get the datetime from the datetime widget and execute the service with this value as an input parameter?
Please, do you have the proper coding to do that? so I can tested
Best Regards,
I believe I just did it....
something like this
Is that correct?
Also another question
why the button in the running mashup after clicked looks like "pressed"
Hello @MM_9665428,
Default focus style was introduced for all interactive widgets in ThingWorx 9.0, according to the design specifications
Please see article Focus style cannot be disabled in ThingWorx 9.0.0
Updating the DateTime property in the Thing seems to be a bug in ThingWorx 9.0.2 Would it be possible for you to open a case with support to raise this to R&D ?
You can bind date selected value to service as input and date changed event to call the service. whenever date selection in the date picker changes, it will trigger your service.