Sure it can. 🙂
On the current implementation of Hololens you can let cortana speak e.g. your work instructions:
You can call a function from your application parameters (e.g. the parameter where you start the sequence with) in this example by:
and in the home.js apply:
$ = function() {
of course you can do more advanced things with it ...e.g. if you dont want to say the stepnames (1/8; 2/8; etc) and filter the text that is spoken:
$ = function() {
var labelText = $scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1'].text;
var spokenText = labelText.substr(labelText.indexOf(" ") + 1); // converts "1/8 Whatever text" to "Whatever text"
Have fun
Thanks .. just added it to my demo
It does not seem to work anymore in the latest version of Studio ...
Can't test it currently as I lent my hololens to a colleague.
@the devs Pam Vermeer Is there a full changelog available for us internally so we can check up ourselves why things aren't working / or working differently in new releases?
and it looks like the function creates some problem as the line following the call is not processed ( I also display the Partname and it stay at its first value)
Just got the solution from a developer .. they changed the apps syntax :
app.speech.synthesizeSpeech({'text': 'hey thingworx'});
published experiences seem still to work - I duplicated one, republished it with a different name... and it doesnt work anymore
Thanks for the solution - I will try to adapt my code with it....
$ = function() {
$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1']['visible'] = true;
var labelText = $scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1'].text;
var spokenText = labelText.substr(labelText.indexOf(" ") + 1); // converts "1/8 Whatever text" to "Whatever text"
${'text': spokenText});
This is great! I have it working, just needs some adjustment to get the timing right with my sequence now.
Is there a way using a similar method to do this for handheld devices, Android and iOS?
Hej Ross,
i just made a short test.
On an Ipad / Ios device it works like this:
$scope.speak = function(){
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello World');
Great thanks Matrin, I look forward to trying it out.