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List of all throw events in Experience Lifecycle


List of all throw events in Experience Lifecycle



I am looking for a complete list of all thrown events in Experience Lifecycle. I know that we can use

$scope.$on('eventName', callback);

To catch specific events and do some stuff with that. For example we know that we can subscribe to:


Can someone help me to build this list?





Accepted Solutions

Hi @A_Macierzynski ,


unfortunately I also will be also  happy to have a complete list but so far I also do not have information about such list.

Therefore for the first time I want to provide additionally some events I know (better as nothing  Man Happy 😞

1.) modelLoaded - is not required any more because the UI allow directly to specify this event.

$rootScope.$on('modelLoaded', function()  {
     //do some code here
      } )

2.) Step completed example:

scope.$on('stepcompleted', function(evt, arg1, arg2, arg3) { 
 var parsedArg3 = JSON.parse(arg3);
console.log("stepcompleted stepNumber="+parsedArg3.stepNumber + "  nextStep="+parsedArg3.nextStep);

3.) step started:

$scope.$on('stepstarted', function(evt, arg1, arg2, arg3) { 
 var parsedArg3 = JSON.parse(arg3); 

  console.log("stepstarted stepNumber="+parsedArg3.stepNumber);

Please, pay attention that on some platforms not all information is available in stepstarted. So, In this case the complete info is in step completed – the best is to test it.

4.) after you enter a view in studio (e.g. Home ...)

$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function() {$scope.populateModelList();

5.) click/tap event on the current panel:

$rootScope.$on('click', function() {  tapCount++;console.log("click event called");} );

or  with coordinates

document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {console.log("click() 1 called");
  $scope.lastClick = {
    x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY};

you can also see this topic.



View solution in original post


Hi @A_Macierzynski ,


unfortunately I also will be also  happy to have a complete list but so far I also do not have information about such list.

Therefore for the first time I want to provide additionally some events I know (better as nothing  Man Happy 😞

1.) modelLoaded - is not required any more because the UI allow directly to specify this event.

$rootScope.$on('modelLoaded', function()  {
     //do some code here
      } )

2.) Step completed example:

scope.$on('stepcompleted', function(evt, arg1, arg2, arg3) { 
 var parsedArg3 = JSON.parse(arg3);
console.log("stepcompleted stepNumber="+parsedArg3.stepNumber + "  nextStep="+parsedArg3.nextStep);

3.) step started:

$scope.$on('stepstarted', function(evt, arg1, arg2, arg3) { 
 var parsedArg3 = JSON.parse(arg3); 

  console.log("stepstarted stepNumber="+parsedArg3.stepNumber);

Please, pay attention that on some platforms not all information is available in stepstarted. So, In this case the complete info is in step completed – the best is to test it.

4.) after you enter a view in studio (e.g. Home ...)

$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function() {$scope.populateModelList();

5.) click/tap event on the current panel:

$rootScope.$on('click', function() {  tapCount++;console.log("click event called");} );

or  with coordinates

document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {console.log("click() 1 called");
  $scope.lastClick = {
    x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY};

you can also see this topic.



Thanks so much! This is gold!

Hi @whity, your are wellcome.

so the next event ... ( I will try to document here the next time  all envents I will find in my projects)


6.) New step  -example:

$scope.$on('newStep', function(evt,arg) {
 var getStepRegex = /\((\d*)\//; 
 console.log( getStepRegex.exec(arg)[1]);
//check what it prints to the console - the step number }); ...

 7.) Here a more advance construct- defines a userpick event for all models widgets

 angular.forEach($element.find('twx-dt-model'), function(value, key) {
    // search all twx-td-model's -> means all model widgets
   angular.element(value).scope().$on('userpick',function(event,target,parent,edata) {
     //for each model widget will set a userpick listener 
   	   	var pathid = JSON.parse(edata).occurrence;
	    $scope.currentSelection = target + "-" + pathid;
// this is the current selection - the selected component occurence
// you can use it for example as shown below
// try{
//} catch (e1234) {$scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-4']['text']= "e 1234exception in GetObject.GetWidget..."; }
// } ) //end of the userpick defintion } ) //end of for each funciton

 8.) tracking event:


$scope.$on('trackingacquired', function (evt,arg) {
  //    alert('didStartTracking');    
  // this is not really needed
    $scope.message = parseInt($["currentStep"]);

$scope.$on('trackinglost', function (evt,arg) {
 //     alert('didFinishTracking');    
    $scope.message = "Scan the ThingCode with your camera.";

9.popover event:



var my_tmp = '<ion-popover-view><ion-header-bar> <h1 class="title">My Popover Title</h1> </ion-header-bar> <ion-content> My message here! </ion-content></ion-popoverview>';
$scope.popover= $ionicPopover.fromTemplate(my_tmp, { scope: $scope });

$ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('my-popover.html', { scope: $scope }).then(function(popover) { $scope.popover= popover; });
$scope.openPopover= function($event) { $$event); }; $scope.closePopover= function() { $scope.popover.hide(); }
//////////////destroy popover
 $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $scope.popover.remove(); }); 
///////  hide popover 
$scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() { // your hide action..
 // on remove popover 
$scope.$on('popover.removed', function() { // your remove action
 }); });

10) watch event -watches are created using the $scope.$watch() function. When you register a watch you pass two functions as parameters to the $watch() function: 1)A value function 2)A listener function 


When the value returned by fnk 1.) changes - this lead to execution of the funciton 2.)



$scope.$watch(function(scope) { return $scope.view.wdg['label-1']['text'] },
// watches if change for the the text of label-1
//when changes then play a step for model-1
	function() {

11.) Camera tracking - make sense only on mobile device- no sense for preview mode!

//// define tracingEvent only on end device
tml3dRenderer.setupTrackingEventsCommand (function(target,eyepos,eyedir,eyeup) {   
 // $scope.view.wdg['3DLabel-1']['text']="eyepos=("+eyepos[0].toFixed(2)+","+eyepos[1].toFixed(2)+","+eyepos[2].toFixed(2)+")";
   $['eyeup'] ="eyeup =("+ eyeup[0].toFixed(2)+","+ eyeup[1].toFixed(2)+","+ eyeup[2].toFixed(2)+")";

//// define tracingEvent only on end device
 } //end device





Hi @RolandRaytchev 


That's exactly what I was looking for!

Great job!

There is also a sequenceloaded event, which is useful if you have a model with multiple sequences defined, and you are switching sequences dynamically in the experience.


$scope.$on("sequenceloaded", function (evt, arg) {
  console.log("sequence loaded, starting play");

If you grep for "$emit" through a project folder, you can turn up the following event names:

  • valueacquired (bar code scanner)
  • usercanceled (bar code scanner)
  • tracking
  • modelloadfailed
  • sequenceloaded
  • newStep
  • playstarted
  • sequenceacknowledge
  • playstopped
  • sequencereset
  • onReset

If you grep for "$on(", you can find some additional ones:

  • trackingacquired
  • trackinglost
  • modelLoaded
  • click
  • app-fn-navigate
  • app-fn-show-modal
  • app-fn-hide-modal
  • $ionicView.afterEnter
  • $stateChangeStart
  • loaded3DObj
  • loadedSeqErr
  • loadedSeq
  • $destroy
  • select3DObj
  • move3DObj
  • loadError3DObj
  • readyForZoom3DObj
  • serviceinvoke
  • stepstarted
  • stepcompleted
  • twx-entity
  • twx-service-input
  • twx-service-name

This is a very good point. This seem to contain the most of the possible events.

Here I will add info about another event:   the twx-service complete event. This event is called when we call a service registered in the external data and the service is completed.

Here an example (also mention in the post😞

Here in the example in the external data the service LoadJSON was added.





$scope.GetJsonFromTwxRepository = function(path) {
 $scope.$applyAsync(function() {

                         );}   ,500 );
   $"after call of GetJsonFromTwxRepository")

//in the modelloaded listener register
// LoadJSON-complete event -> to laod the data into session
rootScope.$on('modelLoaded', function() {
 $scope.$root.$on('LoadJSON-complete', function(event, args) { 
console.log("LoadJSON-complete event");
console.log(JSON.stringify( $scope.COMP_LOCs))


So the code above shows how to call from JavaScript the service added to the external data. This service should return the called JsonObject. The call is asynchronously  so that when  thingworx  will come back the listener 'LoadJSON-complete' will be called and here will print the content of the JsonObject to the console.

Here the listener is registered inside the modelload event (this is event is coming late – so to be on the save side that everything is already initialized)

This is generally that you for any Thingworx services added to the External data <your_twx_service_name>-complete 

the contains then the data which should be returned by the method.


Thanks for the explanation, @RolandRaytchev . That's useful information. I saw some hits in my grep results where the event name was a variable or was computed, but didn't have the time to drill down and figure out the details for those instances.


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